Oct 28, 2004 20:15
Today was a all ime all expences paid new low for me. I went to the gas station, went up to the clerk, and said, "Seven on number one please" No, not seven dollars. Not seven pesos. Not even seven enema bags. Seven cents. Copper. It was so bad, that when I stated pumping gas, it went all the way to 15 cents. KNow why?? Well I do. Cause' soon after, the clerk told me over the intercom that he put in 8 more cents for me.... Wow. This day goes along with this cool song I just heard from The Ramones called "I don't want to grow up" It's cool, like me. Heidegger I'm reading. Well, the Heidegger with training wheels. He's cool. He sorta debunks previous philosophers' assertions on their universal truths. I think. The best present I got for my birthday down south was a cigar from Ravi... I stuck it up my butt.