Mar 31, 2005 21:40
Ok, ok since there was a request for me to update this I'm only going to fill in recent things. Thing 1) I asked Sarah to the prom, if she wasn't going with anyone else, she had asked a friend already so the answer depended on the one she received. Her friend said yes so those two are going. Thing 2) I figured that I would ask Danielle since she's fun to hang out with. She's currently thinking about it. Thing 3) Megan and I went out fot roughly 3 weeks and due to some details I broke up with her. Thing 4) Last night she and I got into a huge argument about something I do not feel like posting it. Then I got next to no sleep (luckily I had math today!)
Anyways all's okay tonight. Thanks to my friends. Thankyou for being here for me. I know I'm a pest and waste of your time. I promise I'm going to do my best to work out my own problems and stop bugging you with them. Well that's all for now. See you later.
Steph.... you're way awsome not me. I win!