(no subject)

Sep 01, 2010 19:47

I think I can sum up the whole LiveJournal/Twitter/Facebook thing pretty well.

Fucking stupid.

To give you an idea how annoyed the community is with this, I decided to stroll back through time in the news community and see when the last time was that a post broke 5000 comments.

2008-03-13 20:17:00 and bye bye basic accounts.

Unless I'm blind, there were only two that have broken 1000 in the time between. One just over 1000, and one somewhere in the low 3000 range. Before that was 2007-12-02 18:43:00 LJ being bought by SUP. Prior to that, there's a few that are really close. Bunch of 4999 (did it cap at 5k?) commented posts even farther back than that. In fact, beyond that, most posts have ~5k comments.

Check out News skip=110 and you'll see ~5k on everything. I'm going to guess either copious amounts of spam, or that people cared more before journal posted us.

All I can say, is that I don't think DW would EVER pull this kind of shit. Sure, they might add the ability to cross-post to twitter/facebook, if people asked for it. I'm pretty sure it would be something you would have to OPT IN to get. And I believe that comments on f-locked posts wouldn't get echoed. Also,
mark plays a mean plastic guitar.

Update: Well,
denise just had to go and prove my supposition correct. YAY!

This entry was originally posted at http://enotsola.dreamwidth.org/173697.html. I less than three Dreamwidth. Ask me if you want an invite.
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