Tuesday September 1, year 2015

Sep 07, 2015 17:06

Me passing over the bridge,
Stopping for a moment to watch black birds
That occupied the art object
In the middle of Fort Point Channel:
A pyramid from pretend Boston cobblestone
Floating freely on the water,
Usually vacant.
At South subway station delays
Announced due to police action
At Central Square. Half an hour later
No signs of disturbance at Central.
A hundred feet from the station
A handful of people interrupted on their way,
Driven together by small calamity
Yet unattended by authorities or rescue team:
Young woman unconscious, face as white mask
on white. Her head on a black guy's knees.
A large woman giving details of location of the accident on her cellphone.
Few minutes later I am walking back
The same route. The crowd dissolved.
Two black guys trying to keep
White woman upright.
Black guy urging her:
- Dance with me, don't sleep.

Her boyfriend? Her neighbor?
A passerby who knows how to keep OD person
engaged, no let her slip away
While waiting for the ambulance.
I am going back to the station
With my beautiful daughter
Who spends her workdays
At psychiatric ward.
- She can be my charge tomorrow morning, -
She notes as we hear
And see Emergency car taking a turn
From Mass Ave to enter the maze of one-way streets
On the way to dancing trio...

измененное состояние сознания, life, city

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