Мы сходили на поздний сеанс в воскресенье, к тому моменту фильм побил по сборам какого-то Санта-Клауса-3, не знаю даже, что это значит. По-моему, просто реклама для Санта-Клауса-3, иначе я бы о нем вообще не услышала.
Фильм (Борат, а не Санта-Клаус-3) "rated "R"", но я бы показала Таньке, если бы можно было убрать драку с жопой.
Комментарии с youtube.com --
so what´s the point? poor countries are stupid?
Um... durr, no. The point is that Americans and British will believe any damn thing you tell them about foreign nations, because we don't know a damn thing about them.
I'd feel bad about that fact, but this thread proves that blithering imbecility is international.
Jagshemash - jak se máš - how do you do ?
dieckooioo - Děkji - Thanks
its czech not polish, rusian, kazakh or some other shit
So how do you explanin that in polish: how do you do is - Jak się masz (Yak shi mash) and Thank you is Dziękuję (jeckooye)? On the other hand I feel really sorry for Kazahstan this is actualy a great and interesting country.
Borat's father speaks romanian language. he says "sa traiesti, sa traiesti sanatos" that means "live long, live long and healthy" (or something like that).
100% filmed in Romania ( Eastern Europe), Kazahstan is far far far away from Romania.
I think he got this character from internet mahir the turkish guy who was famouse with "I kiss you".
I have been to Kazakhstan. Borat is more of a parody of Russian folk. Even Ali G. himself based the character off someone he met that was from Russia.
Kazakhs are more asian looking. They also don't eat pork- which was in this video.
He isn't even speaking Kazakh. He is speaking Polish and Czech...
actually borat is primarily bases on MAHIR look him up
on the web, he was an internet celebrity for a while
he even looks like borat...and he's TURKISH
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BORAT - videos - look up more on youtube etc.