Nov 30, 2004 00:13
OK - I'm going to start this from 2 postings ago... remember that Venezulean I mentioned...? You know, I'm visiting a little bistro... I bring my guitar so it doesn't get stolen. Turns out the joint has an open stage. I don't know this at the time... I walk to the bar - 2 people standing there - one is a punk guy, metal stickin' out of every oriface in his face, a bolt through his tongue... and he's talking to this girl, who has her back to me. They are bent over a sheet of paper... I look - the sign-up sheet. I ask: "Is that the sign-up sheet?" She turns around and - well, like I said, words aren't enough... God is playing tricks on me...
So, I'm at the pixie's show. I separate from the group I'm with - eight of us walking around looking for a seat: Jeez! I had to get away from them... so I find a spot on the stairs. I sit there, listening to a loud (but really great) band playing in a hockey arena - and the sound stinks... At the end of the show, lights come up, I look towards the exit and there, standing and cheering - by herself - is Venezulean girl! About 2 rows away! I didn't notice her there! Anyway, I remember that she has this exotic name - I wrote it down - I take out my note-book to remind me what the name is and how to pronounce it and I can't find it! I searched 5 times - it's not there! So, I go over to say hello anyway, my mind reeling, trying to remember how to pronounce this name with many many vowels and a Zed and an X in it... I say hello - she beams at me! Man! She's thrilled to see me again... Wow! I know I sound like an adolescent pimply-faced boy, but goddamn it, that's exactly how I felt!
She won't let go of my hand; tells me she's been audtioning for this band (I tell her I got a job in a band, too - coincidence! And we congratulate each other); we chat some more - I go to leave and tell her I have to see her again... somehow... She gets this sad look on her face: "I'm going back to Senegal Friday..." I ask for how long... "Indefinitely, but at least 3 weeks - " I almost cry. I kiss her hand, and tell her she's the most beautiful woman I know in this crazy town... she laughs... but I tell her I am being truthful... again she takes my hand and I ask that she travel safely... She says she will come back to haunt me if anything awful happens... and we laugh...
My oh my oh my...
Why oh why oh why...
Do I do I do I...
Try try try try try try...?