The 1.5hour sweatout!!

Sep 15, 2012 01:20

I do join the husband occaaaionally for jogs to keep the heart pumping and today we went for a 1.5hour sweatout walk...

He kinda 'cheated' me the route.... I thought we will be jogwalk from the Waterway park to Punggol Marina but instead, we jogwalk along the dark and scary main road of Punggol Road! Eeeeeks to the spiders, bugs and frogs!

Love the view I had when we reach Punggol Promenade...  All worth the constant nagging through the jogwalk... haha....

No photos taken as I didn't bring along Miss Pebble....
Tired TTM now... sleeping time!  (~O~)zZ

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fitness, union, love, via miss pebble

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