Adult Swim Guerilla Marketing Causes Bomb Scare in Boston

Feb 01, 2007 09:51

This is so absolutely bizarre that I'm not sure what to say:

So two guys planted a bunch of light-boards on bridges, near hospitals and T-stations three weeks ago and they were discovered yesterday, causing a bomb scare.

[the city] learned the devices were Turner's when the company sent a fax to City Hall at 5 p.m.

Officials believe there are 38 throughout the Boston area, and 14 had been recovered as of 9 p.m., Coakley said. "We heard nothing official from the people who could have resolved this earlier."

Some of the devices were placed on private property, she said, which "raises a lot of questions about, at the very least, the responsibility of anybody who would do this."

Contrary to assertions made by FOX (which aren't substantiated in articles at NYT or CNN (oh the irony)), it doesn't seem that the authorities knew ahead of time, at any level. It's not clear to me whether the light boards were lit up when they were discovered or not.

If they were lit up, it's a sad comment on the state of affairs that the first thing people think when they see new unfamiliar cartoony light displays installed on bridges and near trains is BOMB. If they weren't, well, that makes them even more suspicious. The really sad thing? They were there for three weeks before anybody noticed. The city should definitely recoup expenses from Turner for this.

Somebody was clearly just not thinking.

media, stupid, weird

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