Evolution Teaser- First Kiss

Dec 17, 2013 18:58

So I'm writing a coming-of-age story. It's got three parts, and will be quite long.

The reason why I'm saying this is because this update is from a scene in the second part, with the first few chapters possibly being uploaded sometime in the future. Now, if you read my sporks, then you should already know my co-sporker, Charlie Harris. He is the main character and the narrator of the book. I'm looking for any constructive criticism for my work and I'll most likely only be uploading these little scenes from the book.

So. Here is the teaser First Kiss.
Evolution- First Kiss

There’s not much for me to say, other than that the time when Derek and I were in a relationship was one of the best times of my life. I was happy; happier than I had been since mum died, I was content just being with Derek and watching a movie or listening to a new song that we both liked. Looking back at when we first met, I realised that I always noticed him- his appearance, whenever he paid attention, just him. That said, I don’t think either of us would have guessed that four years later we’d be in a relationship... just being friends at that point would have been a stretch.

My relationships tend to go slowly, though I can only judge that by Derek and Amy- not exactly the best track record, but it was fairly decent. In the three months that Amy and I went out, we never got further than kissing.

With Derek, we’d been together for about two months when he made his move.

Yeah, yeah. You can laugh all you want; Derek Cassanova was the one to kiss me. Not that I minded, of course; I was worried about how to bring it up and initiate our first kiss.

Now, I’ve read Young Adult romance- sometimes on a dare, other times out of curiosity. All the time when I’ve seen teenage girls experiencing their first kiss, they talk about it being amazing, how they melt into his lips, and how electricity sparks and all that shit.

When I first kissed Amy- my first real kiss ever, we were both clumsy. I didn’t know how much pressure to put into it (although that wasn’t exactly my train of thought at the time); she was a bit forceful, like she was as inexperienced as I was. It was more than a peck but not a snog, either. Sure, it got better in the two months after that, but ultimately we’d done nothing more than that.

My second first kiss was with Oskar. Not exactly my best moment. Not only did I confess my feelings for him, I also hinted that I had read crappy romance novels, and I made a complete fool of myself. It does little for a guy’s pride that his first kiss with a crush is just the other person convincing themselves of their sexuality. I really thought for a moment, though, that he liked me. How could I have been such an idiot? And I was so easy! Like, Oh, I like you, let’s make out! It was so embarrassing, that it was all I could do to act like nothing was wrong.

And then there was Derek.

God... Derek... We were at the care home; he was staying round and would be sleeping in Ryan’s old bed. It was eight in the afternoon, and we were watching reviews on YouTube and debating our own opinions on the films.

‘No way,’ he was saying, waving his hands in front of him. ‘I’ve seen Rise of the Guardians; it really is just a bishie going around with magical powers, whining about ‘Oh, I don’t know who I am! Woe is me!’ It’s so distracting!’

I shook my head, ‘Nah, Derek. Sure, Jack’s a total bish, but he’s got a good arc! Besides, there’s a plot, in case you’ve forgotten.’

‘Oh, yeah,’ he snorted. ‘The bogeyman is also a whiney douchebag. Geez, villains need a better motive than ‘I wasn’t invited to the birthday party!’’

‘...Did you just compare Maleficent to Pitch Black? A huge, motherfucking dragon... to fear personified... through their motives?’

‘Dude, have you seen his nose?’

‘Oh, yeah!’ I cried. ‘Next let’s talk about the appearance! A hooked nose is a staple of villains these days.’

Derek rolled his eyes, ‘Yeah, I wonder what started that particular trend off.’

I changed the video to a film we both hated. ‘Whatever, man. I’m not getting into this with you; Jack’s not distracting to the film.’

‘He’s not a strong character! He just stands there looking pretty!’

‘Can you blame him? He’s just so cute!’

He stared at me nonplussed. I watched him before I slapped my hand to my forehead.

‘I can’t believe you just said that,’ he told me slowly.

I whimpered. ‘Let’s just watch this? Please?’

He smirked and shook his head. ‘Oh no. I’m not letting you get away with this one. What makes Jack so gosh darn cute?’ He put a finger on his chin as if thinking hard. ‘I wonder what it could be.’

‘Don’t tire yourself out there, D,’ I said dryly. ‘Wouldn’t want you burn out your remaining brain cells.’

‘I mean, what does he have that I don’t?’ he asked dramatically. ‘I’m real, he’s not-.’

‘Don’t say that! You have to believe!’

‘-My eyes are more matured,’ he continued in a heavily affected tone, as though I hadn’t interrupted. ‘My lips are so much more kissable... Speaking of which...’ he raised an eyebrow and glared at me. ‘What does a guy have to do to get a kiss off his boyfriend around here?’

I blushed and looked away. He gripped my chin with his left hand, ‘Do you want me to cosplay to start things?’

‘Shut up,’ I muttered, now glowering at him, the reviewer’s rants now forgotten. ‘I just...’

He smiled warmly, ‘Hey, it’s okay if you have a thing for animation; at least you’re not a furry.’ I gave him an amused look and his face immediately fell. ‘Charlie, if you’re a furry, then I’m sorry but we have to break up.’

I shook my head. ‘Nope, and I’m not into that, either.’

Derek breathed a sigh of relief. ‘Thank God,’ he added. ‘So where’s my kiss then?’

I shrugged.

He pursed his lips and groaned, then reached over to snap the lid of his laptop down and place it on standby. I frowned in confusion when the hand on my chin fell to my chest. ‘What-.’ I began before he pushed me onto my back. ‘Derek?’

‘Geez,’ he said. ‘I outright say that I want a kiss, and you’re still oblivious?’

I blushed but responded with, ‘Sorry... I’m just...’

He climbed over me, sitting so his legs were either side of my hips and he was on all fours- both hands placed around my head. I looked up at him, barely noticing my hands reaching up to tangle themselves in his hair. He smirked that cocky smirk of his, sending a shiver down my spine.

I licked my lips.

He lowered himself slowly so he was almost lying on top of me, and suddenly I was very aware of my rapid heartbeat and strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. He moved his hands so one held the side of my head and the other rested on my belt, tickling my ear so that when I breathed in sharply, my chest rose to meet his.

He leaned forwards and kissed my collarbone softly, my hands moved down to his back, bunching up his shirt in my fists as I fought not to moan when he moved to my neck, just below my earlobe.

‘Go on,’ he said in a low, husky voice. ‘You can make a noise if you want to... I won’t hold it against you.’ He licked my lobe and added in a whisper, ‘At least not unless you want me to?’ He thrust his hips against mine, as if to accentuate his point.

I whimpered again, this time higher in pitch than before, clenching my fists tighter. ‘Derek...’

He smirked against my neck and kissed it. I bit my lip. He licked the area before covering it with his lips again, this time sucking and nipping at it. I didn’t want to make a sound; Ryan had the room next door and as a rule, there weren’t any locks. If someone came in, then they’d see us in a very compromising position.

His lips moved to a spot underneath the curve of my earlobe, where he licked and sucked again.

I bit my lip harder.

This was so much different to what I knew. I was starting to get aroused from his actions, my heartbeat increasing, and my breath hitching as he found a new spot to tease.

Finally, as he moved the hand on my belt underneath my t-shirt and up to my waist to rest, I let out a gasp. ‘Derek...?’

He leant back to look me in the eyes and smiled. ‘You’re enjoying this,’ he noted.

I nodded, ‘Please...’

His other hand moved to meet the one on my waist, where both rose to the sides of my chest. ‘Please what?’ His thumbs traced circles on my skin.

‘Kiss me...’ I breathed.

And he did.

Honest to God, up until that moment, the only time similar emotions had been brought out of me was when I was fifteen and thought that the kiss with Oskar Logan would be it.

Now? While I wouldn’t describe it in the same flowery prose as in Young Adult romance, it was still the most incredible feeling I’d had.
His lips crashed into mine, his hands leaving the confines of my t-shirt to pull my hair and hold my cheeks. My own hands let go of his shirt and tangled themselves back in his brunet curls, pushing his head closer to mine as I reciprocated, puckering my lips before parting them with a gasp. I could feel his teeth against my upper lip, the pressure almost uncomfortable, yet bearable.

See, when something like that happens, the entire world around you just falls to pieces and all that matters is you and your partner. You become hypersensitive to every action that your body performed and every reaction to what was being done to you. The hair on the back of your neck stand on end, the fabric of the pillow itches the skin where it touches... you are both conscious of your hands being somewhere, but don’t remember moving them. You last remember looking into their eyes, but when did yours close? With each movement pushing your bodies closer you still feel that you need more contact. You want more and you want it now.
That was how I felt when Derek nipped my bottom lip before plunging his tongue inside my mouth, licking the roof before meeting my own.

It was...slimy. Slimy and rough, like the back of a frog. He didn’t taste like cinnamon or strawberries like in those books, but rather of the KFC chicken that we both had for dinner. It was a nice taste but just not for a kiss...

Nevertheless, I responded to him, moaning into his lips in both a low and a high tone. Our lips moved against each other, my legs shifted so they were wrapped around his hips and he pulled me into a seating position so that I was sat on his lap, his erection straining against his jeans. I moaned again, his hands pushing my hips so I was grinding on his. My hands left his back and held his jaw, pushing his face closer into mine. He was smirking into it, groaning as my tongue traced the inside of his cheek. I could feel his breath lightly on the side of my nose where he was leaning into. He moved his fingers back to my belt and when his fingers started to unbuckle it that was when we broke apart.

He looked at me with a confused expression as he waited for me to catch my breath.

‘No,’ I said eventually. ‘Not yet; I’m not... I’m not ready.’

He nodded and kissed the side of my mouth softly before letting go of my hips. ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.’

I shook my head. ‘You didn’t. It was great, just... I can’t...’

Derek smiled at me, ‘Don’t worry, Charlie. For the record, I enjoyed myself too.’

I sighed and grinned. ‘Oh, I know you did.’

‘Shit... I need to take a shower, Charlie...’

My eyebrows rose slightly and I felt my cheeks warm. ‘Oh... um...’

We sat in the position looking awkwardly away from each other. My hands were now resting on his shoulders, tapping idly as I thought about what to say. Anything, please, I thought, just wanting to break the tension.

‘Do you wanna take one with me?’ he wiggled his eyebrows.

I stared at him with an incredulous expression. Fighting the urge to sigh, I shook my head. ‘You know... this is getting uncomfortable.’
He swallowed and bit the inside of his mouth, helping to lift me up from his hips so I could get off him.

I couldn’t look him in the eye. Way to kill the mood, genius, I thought, and crossed my legs underneath me. I tapped my fingers on my knee and kept my eyes fixed on my bedroom door.

I heard Derek groan, and I turned to face him. His right hand covered his face, which was red underneath. He fell back so he was lying on my bed. I don’t know why, but a part of me felt guilty.

A shake of my head quickly quashed that thought though; there was no way that I was going to get hung up on being frigid. Geez, man. I don’t know how so many couples want to bone after that one kiss if the awkwardness from this situation was anything to go by.

I opened my mouth. I wanted to ask if he was alright, but it sounded stupid in my head. Are you alright? We’ve just snogged and everything, I don’t want to touch you, but are you okay?

Wait. Why was I even getting so worked up, anyway? For God’s sake, we’d just kissed, not shagged! I pressed the palms of my hands to my face, and stifled what would have been a girly laugh.

Derek sat back up and moved next to me, putting and arm round my shoulder. ‘Hey, man. I wasn’t that bad a kisser was I?’

I pulled away and stood up, pacing the length of my room.

‘What are we doing?’

‘I don’t know what you mean.’

I waved my hand, which considering it came from me, probably seemed effeminate. ‘This, you know? I just... I don’t know, Derek, I honestly don’t know.’

He watched me with a hurt look in his eyes. ‘Charlie, if you’re not happy with me then-.’

‘That’s just it!’ I cried, stopping my movements. I paused, thinking everything through. ‘Derek, I’m scared.’

I turned away from him again, resting my hands on my desk. My fists clenched enough for my knuckles to turn white. There was a feeling in the pit of my stomach, I felt sick, but resisted the urge to leave the room.

I heard Derek come up behind me, and when his hand rested on my arm, I had no choice but to acknowledge him. ‘This is too fast for me, Derek.’

‘Too fast?’ his tone showed how baffled he was. ‘We’ve been together for two months! How can we be going too fast?’ He turned me around, forcing me to look him in the face. ‘I don’t get you.’

‘It feels serious now, D. It- it didn’t before.’

‘You mean we were casual until now?’

I nodded.

He sighed and looked away briefly. ‘Dammit, Charlie. I don’t know what to do. Was it too much all at once? I didn’t want it to be simple; I thought you’d like something better than that.’

‘We rushed this, Derek,’ I told him. ‘I know you don’t get that, but we did. I wasn’t ready- I thought I was, but I wasn’t.’

‘Then why didn’t you tell me?’

‘...Because it felt so good, I didn’t want it to stop.’

He raised an eyebrow. ‘You confuse me. I’m going to bed, so if you want to speak without contradicting yourself, you better now or wait ‘til tomorrow.’

‘I really am scared, Derek. I’m terrified, I’ve been trying to work on it but-.’

‘How long have you felt like this?’ he interrupted as he tugged off his shirt.

‘I think I’ve always been like this; I never made friends easily, and it always took me ages to actually feel comfortable around them.’

‘You were alright with Claire, Amelia and me,’ he said pointedly.

I scoffed. ‘Yeah, after hating each other for the better part of a year. The only reason Claire and I were on good terms was because she comforted me after counselling.’

He frowned then, pausing in taking off his socks. ‘I thought you bonded over Pokémon?’

I shook my head. ‘Nah, she saw me crying and talked with me about everything.’

He hummed. ‘Any idea why you’re like this, though?’ he asked, getting back to our previous topic.

‘Not really. I mean, when I saw Amy and Daniel, I didn’t exactly feel that upset or anything. I insulted her, but that was more out of obligation than anything.’

‘Think it’s to do with your dad?’

I glared at him, but he ignored me, instead focusing on unbuttoning his jeans. ‘I’d like to see how you came to that conclusion,’ I told him coldly, trying not to watch his actions.

He pulled his jeans off and shrugged. ‘The way he left your mum, I’m just wondering if you have commitment issues.’

‘It’s been a long day,’ I said suddenly, undressing myself as he was getting into the spare bed. ‘I’m tired, we’ll talk about this tomorrow.’

He laughed and rolled over so he was facing the wall. He didn’t say anything else though, and as I got into bed, I watched the back of his head, wondering where today went wrong.

teaser, character: derek cassanova, warning: sexual situations, fiction, character: charlie harris, warning: slash, story: evolution

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