The Injustice of Lady Mia Prologue

Aug 25, 2015 22:47

Enoby: So if you’ve been following my sporking of Sacrifices of Family and Love over at das-sporking, you’ll probably be familiar of my opinion of the characters, especially Yuugi and Mia. If not... read Chapter 19 at least so you get the original premise of this extended spitefic, and know that I hate the protagonists with a passion.

For a while now, I’ve wanted to write a story based on a narcissistic character, but I’ve not had the idea for it. During the sporking of Chapter 19 (Part 2), I created a scenario posing a possibility of Mia’s life to result in her assumed narcissism.

Well, I decided that I can’t leave that idea untouched.

The Injustice of Lady Mia

The Lord and Lady Chayyim and Adena were thankful for their place in society. They knew that their people were heavily discriminated against, and the Lord himself had seen many of his brothers sold to richer, nobler men than he. He was fortunate that their titles held as much weight as it did, as he found himself able to buy those slaves before they were sent to their deaths working to build the pyramids of the Kings.

This only put more pressure on him and his wife, to achieve- to prove their worth to the Pharaoh.

The birth of their first child should have been a joyous occasion. They had made all of the necessary arrangements to reveal the child to the Pharaoh. There had even been talk about arranging a marriage between their child and a member of the royal family depending on the baby’s sex.

When the day came, they were expecting the best. And the best was far from what they received.

Their daughter- hoped to be beautiful and delicate like her mother- was hideous. With pale skin not seen in Egypt already shedding doubt on the girl’s parentage, her round blue eyes and blonde tufts of hair were so un-Egyptian that they knew before the Pharaoh even laid eyes on her that their hopes of rising higher were foolish. Her cry was shrill, and her ugly face contorted with every wail. The first thing the Pharaoh did when he saw her was not to reel back in abject horror, but to sadly shake his head.

‘I am sorry, Lord Chayyim, Lady Adena. We cannot expect this girl to bear a child with a face such as that.’

They left the palace, more ashamed than they had ever felt in their lives. ‘How humiliating,’ Adena hissed to the Lord, holding their daughter’s head close to her breast in an effort to conceal her face. ‘Never before have I felt so embarrassed!’

Lord Chayyim did not answer her. His eyes were fixed ahead, deliberately ignoring the stares of the people they passed.

‘How can we expect to keep our place now?’ Adena continued, sparing a hasty glance at their sleeping child. ‘We will be overtaken by other Houses!’

Chayyim refused to comment, knowing that the House of Mutou had recently been blessed with twins- a boy and girl. Rumours were that the daughter was gifted- her beauty rivalling that of the goddess Isis.

‘And yet,’ the Lord thought, a scowl tainting his face. ‘Our daughter? She is no more beautiful than Nephthys- and just as barren, no doubt.’

Adena sighed wearily. ‘I thought... I prayed that this would be our chance. We could have made things better for our people! With our daughter marrying a member of royalty, perhaps the people of Egypt would no longer see us as any different to them! But now...’

‘We have been cursed,’ Chayyim finished. ‘The gods were angry. What fools we were to assume equality in Egypt! We have been punished for our impertinence, and now we must accept their actions.’

‘Oh, how I wished I had never borne this monstrosity,’ her fingers clenched, digging lightly into their daughter’s skull. ‘And we still do not have a fitting name! What could we call her that would show her true horror?’

Chayyim looked away, wishing only to return home and find that the past few days had been a dream. Perhaps it was a twisted sense of irony that invoked the name, but when he next spoke it was to say, ‘Mia. We will call her Mia.’

Enoby: In doing research into the meaning of Mia’s name, I’ve found a few interesting notes.

1)      Mry was the original form of Mia and its variants, being dated back to Ancient Egypt meaning ‘beloved’.
2)      Mia is the Hebrew form of Maria and Mary, both of which meaning ‘bitterness’.
3)      One meaning of the name is ‘deeply hoped-for child’, the significance of which I’ve already shown.
4)      An extension of ‘bitterness’ is ‘to bitterly desire something’, which will come into play later.
5)      Yet another meaning is ‘a work of the Lord’, which while I doubt was a meaning from Ancient Egypt, it’s heavily relevant.
6)      Finally, another meaning is ‘a flatterer’, which should explain some of her actions later on.

fandom: yu-gi-oh, fic: sacrifices for family and love, spitefic, fanfic

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