Samurai Hunters Chapter 1

Oct 24, 2014 13:31

Enoby: Okay, I think this is where I started beating it into everyone that I liked MCR.
Oskar: *pats her shoulder* There, there.
Enoby: Don’t touch me.

Me: I'm thinking about abandoning Crying Out In Sanity.

Enoby: You mean the fanfic that ONE person read?
Oskar: Just the one?
Enoby: Shinnimus. My ex-girlfriend.
Oskar: *gets in her face* Tell me more! Tell me more!
Enoby: *punches him* I thought Charlie was the drama buff.

Charlie: O_O, No, no, no, no, no, just make an authors

Oskar: There’s only ONE author. And she does not share credit.

note on your profile or the fic saying that you have writers block.
Me: (Bangs head on table)
Kaiba: Where did the table come from?
Charlie: Yeah, this is just usually a blank white space full of nothing but us.

Oskar: Oh, Charlie. You always know how to make me laugh.


Enoby: (UYF): Inserting other authors means that I’m POPULAR!!!!

(Whispering) Stealing the chibi, stealing the chibi, stealing the chibi.
Me: (Obviously knowing what's going on) What's that?
Shinnimus: (Pounces on Charlie) STOLE THE CHIBI (Runs away carrying Charlie)

Oskar: Nice way of telling us that Charlie’s a midget. Who is he, Pepito?

Seto: UYF does not own Yugioh, if she did, it would have the plot from Scrubs, Yami would be JD and Seto would be Elliot, XD!

Enoby: Seto Kaiba would not say that.

Me: Three, Two, One
Shinnimus: (In the distance) On with the fic!

Chapter One
The Yami's

Oskar: Go home, apostrophe; you’re drunk.

"I'm not okay, I'm not okay, I'm not okay, you wear me out"

Oskar: So... what does that contribute to the story?
Enoby: It shows what music I was obsessed with. What do you mean that’s not normal?!

"If I lie here, if I just lay here would you lie with me and just forget the world."
"Okay Yami Akira,

Oskar: Akira?
Enoby: I don’t know... I think I was heavily influenced by yugiyamifangirl’s writing at this point.
Oskar: ...didn’t you and Charlie spork one of her fics?
Enoby: That’s beside the point.

"Oh god whyyy?"

Enoby: *eye twitch* Did I seriously just overuse letters?

moaned Yami, when he just realised that his ipod

Oskar: Yes, because an insane, psychopathic, former-Pharaoh listens to Snow Patrol on his iPod.

was still playing.
The teacher raised an eyebrow.
"Man, that's the seventeenth song on my playlist, what a boring lesson."

Oskar: Could’ve easily been on shuffle, dickwad.
Enoby: *giggles*

The albino

Oskar: Bakura’s an albino?
Enoby: Oh, yeah. He’s evil and has white hair, it’s like the Da Vinci Code.

sitting next to him snorted, "Hey Marik," he said to the Egyptian sitting infront of him, "What was the homework again?"

Oskar: So Bakura was dozing off? I’m confused, there’s so little explanation!

Yami leaned closer after the lecture from his teacher

, "To research about how algebra started,"

Enoby: That is the STUPIDEST homework EVER!
Oskar: (Teacher): I want you all to research the beginning of time, and how the universe was formed. The homework is due in three days, so don’t dilly dally!

said Marik.
Yami and the albino banged their heads on the table. (A/N1:Not that one all those with perverted minds. A/n2: Cue the theme music-Kawaita Sakebi) (1)

Enoby: I doubt anyone thought that.
Oskar: *stares at her* You actually used author’s notes in the middle of chapters?
Enoby: I know... I was like the Tara Gilesbie of the Yugioh fandom.

Theme - Kawaita, Sakebi ga, Todoke, Fly at higher game!

The albino is Bakura Malin,

Enoby: Hey, as long as it sounds foreign!

he has white hair, red eyes and very pale skin, for any hint think of Silas. (2) He is slightly psyco,

Oskar: Psycho.

with a hint of insanity (3). He wears a millenium

Oskar: Millennium.

Marik Ishtar is the Egyptian, and the more insane one which everyone can tell. How? His hair is wild sandy blond, he has lavender

Oskar: Gawd, that’s so gay.

eyes, and has an obssession

Oskar: *deadpan* Obsession.
Enoby: *winces*
Oskar: What now?
Enoby: The original series where Charlie came from... Obsessions was the name of the second book. Oh God, I’m having flashbacks.

with knives... He carries the millenium rod with him.

Oskar: You know, when you carry a rod around with you, it’s not exactly a good thing.

And Yami Akira (4) (A/N: Hey, a new record) Is the one who is randomly hyper, loves sugar and regularly eats icing sugar on it's own (5) he has tri-coloured, straight hair, Black, crimson and Blond. He wears the millenium puzzle.
And the gorgeous place they live in, is Leicester

Oskar: DOMINO CITY. Gawd, Enoby.
Enoby: ...shut up... this is painful as it is.

(6), which explains the psyconess

Enoby: No. Just No.


"What will it take to show you that it's not the life it seems?"(8)

1: Kawaita Sakebi  was the theme for Yugioh season 0, and is the theme for Yugioh abridged.
2: Silas is the only cool person from the Da Vinci Code, he is an albino.
3: Just something I thought of randomly, yes, it takes the piss out of weather people.

Enoby: It wasn’t funny.

4: Akira, take away the A, and you get Kira, Japanese for killer, by the way, that took me a day to think of.

Oskar: You’re an idiot.
Enoby: You know, I think I’d have got less abuse from Charlie.

5: I done that twice, once on it's own, the other with hundred's and thousands.
6: I'm from Leicester.

Oskar: And I’m from Minnesota. What about everyone else? I’m sure this information is vital to the story.

7: I'm randomly hyper, I get called psyco or insane, take your pick.
8: From "I'm not Okay" by MCR

Me: Review, pleeeeeeeeeeeease!

Enoby: *cries in a corner*

I may give you a character in the fic if you do.

Oskar: So you have to resort to bribery? *whistles* Slut...

sporker: oskar logan, fandom: yu-gi-oh, fic: samurai hunters, fanfic, spork, badfic, sporker: enoby_way, marysue

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