The Lost City Table of Contents

Jan 25, 2014 00:10

The Lost City... I started this about two years ago, back when I lived in the East Midlands and was in year 11. I've had loads of notes and ideas floating around for this, but the actual writing of it (more due to the style more than anything else) made it difficult.

I'll start with the contents. The book is set in the fictional country of Magkna, in a fictional timeline in which William the Conqueror enslaved the people of Omastrai and forced them to serve in his army. The year they broke away was 1074, and they started their own calender at the year 0. The story (excepting the prologue) starts in 593 (making the date here being 1667).
Naturally, the people of Magkna- Minions- are racist towards Men. While there are not levels of racism to cause offense, it still exists, as it does in real life.
Homosexuality, while not being illegal, is only tolerated. This is due to the implications that come with it- of forced Master and slave relationships.
There is slavery in this story, though stated as being illegal, it still exists outside of the Emperor's sight.
Potential triggers like rape are also in the story. There aren't any graphic scenes, but this still serves as a warning.
The Lost City may get political and controversial due to its nature of being set in an entirely fictional country over three centuries ago.

The plot line: this story is as much High Fantasy as it is coming-of-age; it is told through the third-person restrictive point of view of Shai Reneth, and it ranges through ten years (from when he is eight to eighteen). There is war, sex (there may be graphic-but tasteful- scenes), violence and the above warnings. I can't give much of a summary as of yet, having not fully written the story, but once I am further along, this will be updated.


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10


Teaser 1- Cave Site

table of contents, fiction, character: shai reneth, warning: violence, teaser, warning: slash, warning: child abuse, character: njassai reneth, character: rizel sy'ba, warning: death/possible death, warning: controversial issues, story: the lost city, character: wuvatzra wrutzu, warning: sexual situations, character: azael wrutzu, warning: potential trigger, character: mosahx reneth, warning: rape/mentions of rape, character: jonii, warning: war

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