(no subject)

Oct 29, 2010 23:08

All of Time and Space Masterpost

This fic was written for the 2010 startrekbigbang challenge.

The Weeping Angels are borrowed from Doctor Who, but the story is not a crossover. Information on the Angels can be found here.

Thanks go to my wonderful artist, silvertoekee, my betas Delphi and anxiety_junkie.

And now, on to the fic itself.

All of Time and Space

When exploring the ruins of a forgotten civilization, Captain Jim Kirk finds himself transported to a time and place far out of his comfort zone. First Officer Spock attempts to find a way to retrieve him, but Jim is more intrigued by his meeting with a doctor who has memories that he shouldn't have...

Link to art.
Fic: Prologue | Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Epilogue

star trek xi, kirk/mccoy

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