Finally got internet access back!! It has been days--you don't realize how often you use the internet until it is totally gone! Comcast, our cable internet provider, just upgraded the system in the area to faster speeds and our modem could no longer handle that speed. Also, the temperature and snow have put excess strains on the cables run around town, causing lots of noise to bury the signal that the modem is looking for. But it is all better now.
I did a couple more sketches from
emungere's ranma!saiyuki fic (since I couldn't get on-line and my homework was royally pissing me off) for
Part 6 because I have a totally dirty mind, LOVE the two NC-17 parts (Parts 5 & 6) and have read both way too many times. Those sketches will be my next post, since I want to get this one up right now.
Part 7 is excellent too and, amazingly, only rated PG.
I scanned in the Dragon Knights chapters from my two issues of Wings, the October and November issues, chapters 87 and 88. Totally willing to share, too, with other DK fans, errrrr...I just have to figure out the best way to share the scans. Suggestions would be helpful.