One Word Meme

Jul 08, 2010 00:09

*Next morning edit*Ah. This is what it looks like when I post after 13 hours of work, about to fall asleep, after two beers. Anyhow, now that it's the next morning, this is the One Word Meme, which I snagged from Skyblue_reverie.

* Where is your cell phone: car
* Spouse: unlikely
* Your hair cut: messy
* Your mother: unpredictable
* Your father: threatened
* Your favorite thing: music
* Your dream last night: swarm
* Your favorite drink: unhealthy
* What room are you in: Mine
* Your hobby: elusive
* Your fear: hindering
* Where do you want to be in 6 years: elsewhere
* Where were you last night: Chili's
* Something that you aren't: peaceful
* Muffins: Starbucks
* Wish list item: Portal
* Last thing you did: pee
* What are you wearing: tee
* TV: Thursday
* Pets: Cat
* Friends: family
* Your life: waiting
* Your mood: undetermined
* Missing someone: Skyblue
* Drinking: beer
* Your car: Tony
* You are not wearing: pants
* Your favorite store: Half-price
* Your favorite color: Cerulian
* When is the last time you cried: 4th
* Where do you go over and over: Medroom
* Five people who email me regularly: automated
* My favorite place to eat: out
* Favorite place I'd like to be right now: I10
* Four people I think will respond: Four!?


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