Church No Longer Swears By Truth of Bible What? Really? Are you sure? Damn, does this mean the burning bush never happened either? I quite liked the burning bush. Dramatic, sexually connotative, voice of God, all that.
And no Revelations? I love the Book of Revelations. Have I ever told you about one night at the end of my sophomore year? It was a weekday, I think, but we were all sitting around, stoned out of our minds, and my friend Walker, who was taking a History of Christianity course or something, started reading from the book of Revelations in this ominous tone and we all thought it was the most hilarious thing ever. So we all started taking turns reading from the Book of Revelations, the end of the world, the impending Apocalypse, the inevitable demise of all we`ve ever known, between bites of our brownies. It was excellent.
At least the new Pope is putting his considerable power over the hearts and minds of a majority of the population of the Western world to good use. It gives me hope that he`ll be a little more liberal than his predecessors in areas that actually matter too.
And it`s hard to think of something more useful than the True or False quiz at the end of the article. Thank you, Catholic Church, for finally setting me straight. And thanks to Eric for this startling Revelation. (God, I`m clever! ...There I go again! Oh, I should stop...)