VDSA '10 - The Big List 'O Love - Letters K-Z

Feb 13, 2010 17:40

Happy Valentine's Day from VDSA'10! Wow! 28 participants, 128 recipients and 299 messages.

Messages inside for: keiliss, kenazfiction, khylea, kitty279, lady_elina, lanyon, larian, larienelengasse, laurahonest, laur_melyanna, leaf_light, levadegratchets, lilithlessfair, lotrangel17, luin77, malinorne2003, mdarkdreamer, melethen, melian, melusine6619, minuial_nuwing, misterssminx_13, mistry89, mlyn, msb66, naledi_seven, nelyo_russandol, nikkiling2, nienna_weeper, numenora, pandemonium_213, perkyandproud, phyncke, pilgrimskiss, pir8fancier, red_lasbelin, rhapsody, rhapsody11, Roly-Poly_Laurie, salixbabylon, samtyr, sbyte, scoobrojess, second_banana, sian265, silver_trails, songspinner, Spacebee, spiced_wine, suemichave, surgicalsteel, sylvie_the_elf, tallie363, talullahred, tattooedraven, tawarwaith, thrihyrne, trekqueen, tuxedo_elf, two_point, weepingnaiad, wenont, wildrosedragon, and wyccked_wench.

*You’re a gift I give myself. Keep up that brilliant writing.
*It is nice to see you finding your creative voice in your writing. Way to go!
*I love your calm style of writing where I can lose myself in your stories. I also love talking to you in chat where our conversations are always interesting and intelligent - when I see you sign in I think, “yippee! Kei is on!.” You are a nice person, a great storyteller and beta, perceptive and thoughtful. I am pleased to call you my friend.
*I love your quietly subtle characterizations that contain such vivid images. I love that your fics sometimes make me sad and sometimes make me smile.
*””You fill up my senses…like a night in the forest…” I know, one of the sappiest songs ever, but gee, doesn’t it remind me of you. You make me feel so grounded somehow and really close to the earth. I love that you love historical romance - in the broad sense - and it all comes out so vividly in your writing. Your characterizations and scene descriptions are the ones I measure all else against.
*I wish we lived closer to each other so we could meet. I love your posts, your stories are an inspiration to write better, and your view of life makes me think of peaceful days.
*Best friend, part of the OM and hears Them, you’re loyal, talented, driven and a really, really good storyteller. I’ve never gotten tired of seeing what you come up with and I never will. RL or online, doesn’t matter, you’re my friend.

*You are such a beautiful writer and much too good to me. It's a toss-up which I get the most excited about: seeing a notification of: a new fic/chapter by you or that you've commented on one of mine.
*You are a fabulous person. I can’t distill all the marvelous things about you into a sentence or two - intelligent, witty, talented, and cool beyond belief.
*I would read anything you cared to write. Thanks for all you do to encourage fandom with the Slashy Santa site.
*You are an amazing writer, thank you for sharing your stories with us!
*Be it lithe elves, time-traveling immortals and their errand boys, or epicene new romantics, you characters are as indelible as your writing style. Here’s to another year of wild, wild boys! I hope you are smothered with love, not just this weekend, but all year round. Thank you for being such an amazing support, sounding board, and friend.
*A superb writer, one whom I aspire to emulate and never will. Your words are forged of gold, and your characters are exquisitely drawn.
*I am so, so glad that I met you this year. What a highlight of ’09! I adore your writing - in any fandom - in the words of JRM (in-character in an RPG that I’ve read), You are the "absolute fucking business."

*Friendships like we have are rare. Time spent just doing nothing and hanging out…silly things and all that. I cannot imagine a day going by without talking to you on the thing…a ding from you makes me smile. Love ya!

*You are a sweet, sage, incredibly supportive person, who I am beyond fortunate to call friend. Hope we see more of you this year, and I wish you your choice of cakes from the Opera Café as a special Valentine’s treat.

*You remain one of my most adored writers! I’m thrilled your original material is progressing, and eagerly await the day that I can buy my (autographed?) copy of your own work. So many thanks for sticking with my deadly slow pace, and for letting me borrow your shrewd eyes and incisive brain for my own paltry offerings.

*You’re a new friend to my list, and I only wish we had crossed paths sooner! So glad to be getting to know you, if only through little bits and snatches on LJ.

*You are generous of spirit and thanks for all the web projects you have put together for me. You rock!
*I wish we could see one another more often, but even if we don’t you are a very good friend to me. You are kind and funny and your laugh is contagious!
*You are the best friend a person could have!
*I like your imagination and the way you can cut to the heart of aproblem, I like how comfortable you always make me feel.

*The smartest girl I know. Lover of wine, food and song. Excellent writer. Appreciates the male form. ;) Isn’t afraid to speak her mind. Knows exactly what she wants and goes for it.
*You’re my favorite blogger. I enjoy the slices of your life when so much of my LJ stuff is from communities. It’s nice that you still chronicle your life for us. You got me hooked on SPN, too! (Maybe not, but that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!)

*I enjoy seeing your creativity and sharing the journals with you. Lots of love to you!

*I am really enjoying our RP writing and the creativity of that. Thanks for that! *hugs*

*An unforeseen benefit of writing the lotrfic has been meeting people who I would never have met otherwise, and then corresponding, learning about each other, and becoming friends. Thank you for sharing your unique experiences, insight, and depth of sensitivity.

*Oh lord, woman, you have such a talent with words! I loved your “something beautiful” posts, they were the first thing I looked for when I came online in the evenings, and I enjoy your random updates.
*I’m so glad I met you this year, you have such a good eye for photographs and uplifting sayings. You have one of the most unique views of Tolkien and you write them as elves truly, though and through. I lover your work. Never stop.

*You are one of the most always fun people on my f-list. I treasure you!

*When your epic is done, it will become legend. Thank you for your generosity and enthusiasm over the years.

*You have to be one of the best moms in the world. I’m always impressed by how much you do for your family yet still have time to show so much caring for friends.
*Know you’re going through a hard time but you’ve handled it well and shown what you’re made of. You really are a wonder.

*Even though you are continents away, I feel that we are close friends. Our elves are crazy, does that make us crazy? O.o Love ya!
*You are the best friend a person could have!
*I really love every post you make. You are a sweet and warm person.

*I greatly appreciate your friendship, canon knowledge, language, and excellent beta skills. And it’s been lovely feeling somewhat like a distant relative as I malinorne2003
watch your children grow. Many Valentine hugs.

*I really enjoy your creative work and sharing the journal space with you! *hugs*
*I’m so glad I’ve gotten to know you. You are a wonderful person, so kind and caring, and such a great pet owner.
*You’re a wonderful photographer and your photos always brighten my day.
*I have so much respect for your strength, I admire you for the work you do and the ethos you bring to it, like watching you grow as a photographer, playing with icons.
*Through all the tough times you have been through with your mom, you are always trying to make us all smile with your pictures of your animals, or of something that tickles your fancy. You are a wonderful daughter.
*Loyal, generous, strong in the face of difficulties. Dear Dark, wishing that this year is kind to you.

*I really enjoy your presence in my journal life. Thanks for being youuuuu! *huggles*
*You are one of the strongest and most resilient people I know. I wish you tons of love, success, and happiness today and through the year to come.
*You are stronger than you think, dear.

*I love how tenacious you are in making sure your kids have all they need.

*I don’t know you very well but I look forward to doing something about that over the next few months.

*Sweet Min. You are a stellar human being. Kind, generous, unwavering in your support. You have so often been a voice of wisdom for me, and have so often praised me beyond my worth.
*You are simply a joy, and I am blessed to call you friend. I love you to itty bitty pieces.
*Thank you for all your work and patience on the RPGs. You totally rock! *huggles*
*Your talent as a writer is only surpassed by your kindness as a friend.
*You bring a special sweetness of spirit to your stories. Thank you for your drabbles. In a busy world, it’s great to take a quick refreshing dip into Middle-earth, one that always makes me smile.
*You are such a warm and caring person. I enjoy your comments, your stories, and RPGing with you. And I think I’ve learned from you how to avoid net drama.
*Your tenderness amazes me. I am so glad I have you as a friend!
*You are the most amazingly special person, intelligent, talented, caring, warm. There are no false notes, you are as you are. I’m so glad to have you as a friend.
*Thank you for your wonderful stories. The brighten my life as I read every word you write.
*The warmth and care you devote to even the simplest endeavour is an example to us all. I admire your spirit, your heart, and your incredible generosity. Thank you for making the fandom a brighter place!
*For wonderful stories.
*Another year has passed, and I’m more thankful than ever about the twist of fate that brought us together. Thanks for everything, dearest, even the kick in the pants when I need it. *squishes*
*You love your elves like crazy, and you’ve always taken time for me, you have a nice work for everyone. An excellent storyteller, and I enjoy you so much.
*What a cornerstone you are in our fandom. Strong, constant, supportive. A leader to emulate and a friend to cherish.

*I love your perserverance and strength. You are such a great mom. See you in Margaritaville!

*You are fabulous! I look forward to your comments and cherish your support. I hope a certain pair of smutty elves pay you the visit you so well deserve!

*Honey, you are awesome. You get knocked down and you keep on getting back up again and continuing your amazing journey. You follow wherever your heart leads. I’m inspired.

*I love your rich, full life and your heart bursting with joy and love, and the way you aren’t afraid to share it with all of us, even when things are rough.

*A great writer and a wonderfully encouraging reviewer. I love your photos, too.
*You are one of the loveliest ladies on my F-list, and I always look forward to your comments and posts! Thanks for being such an avid reader, and for your tireless support.

*I enjoy your contributions to the Lizards and to fandom. Con abrazos!

*You have the most awesome imagination, the ideas are always off the wall but really brilliant at the same time. You’re a really good writer, always original, need to write more!
*Your writing this year with the NANOWROMO blew me away! I value our friendship. Even if we don’t talk regularly, when we do, it is like we just left off.

*My wacky friend - love you to pieces.
*What a wonderful person you are. You’re a great mom and I appreciate your advice and support.
*I have fun working with you on projects, sharing graphics and I am so glad we have gotten to actually meet. You are such a fun person and I love ya, Boo! *hugs*
*You are such a talented graphics maker. I love the blinkies you make. It is a joy to read your posts a they show so much love for your family.
*Funny and clever. Very tactful. Kind. Never fails to make me feel better when I’m down. Has the cutest kid with the best smile, ever.
*You are my evol twin!!!! Of course I love you lolololol On a more serious note, I love our conversations when we meet in chat and I love hearing about your life in your posts. You also make lovely graphics. ;-D
*You’re always funny and cheerful. I love your pics of Becky too! Your posts make me smile!
*Your sweet and loving personality makes it a blessing to know you.
*You are so much fun! I love getting hugs from you! You make me smile!
*You’re this really special person and your posts make me smile or hurt my heart, whichever’s appropriate.
*Thank you my dear, I am so grateful that you stand at my side with your love and unlimited compassion.
*I love looking at your family pics. You are so talented musically, I am so envious of your abilities!

*Always thinking of others. Kind, sweet and caring. Good writer. Excellent tate in men. ;)
*Sweet Patty! I adore your positive outlook on life, your exuberance and kind nature shines brightly.
*I love the dedication you show to your family. They are very lucky to have you!

*You are the reason I am here posting this today! I'm recalling the old saying about, "A friend in need, etc."
*Aha! I have finally met the Brains of this operation! And what a formidable brain it is! A pleasure to meet you - wish there were more hours in a day. Hope you’ll cross the river again soon!
*You add so much to the community with your writing talent, your vibrant opinions, generous reviews of other fics, and your wonderful sense of humor. I’m sending Drauglin with a handful of posies. (Don’t smell them, though, they are Doomed.) On second thought, I’ll send Berger without his pants.
*You really are a brilliant writer, and I love your posts which are always interesting no matter what they are about.
*Your voice of reason and honesty, knowing that you are there gives me so much strength to face whatever is hurled my way, thanks for that.
*You crack me up, you old battle-ax. I so want to be like you when I grow up.
*Brilliant, intelligent - and a beautiful wordsmith. What is not to envy?

*I love the humour in your writing and always look forward to reading your stories. I admire you optimism in the face of adversity and I also enjoy talking to you in chat on the rare occasion I am in there.

*What would I do without your constant support? Thank you. Love you.
*You are strong and smart, very organized and at the same time you are caring and know how to listen to your heart, that’s a combination I admire and really treasure in you as my friend.
*Silly, funny, clever and smart. Good writer. Good beta. Good friend to talk to and gossip with. Very generous and kind. Easy to get to know and talk with. Laid back. Does not get ruffled easily, which is good, since I’m a ruffler.
*Multi-faceted, enthusiastic, energetic, smart. Always busy with something.
*Oh, aren’t I lucky to be one of the beneficiaries of your wonderful artwork. Thank you so much for the icons….and your stories, too.

*Your writing absolutely delights me every time I see something you’ve written or added to! You are so much fun, too!

*I’m simply in awe of you. No matter what happens, you’re smart and passionate and funny and wonderful. You’ll always have a piece of my heart. (One of the good parts that works perfectly and everything!)

*I thoroughly enjoy the writing you have put out, singular and noteworthy. I hope you have a productive year coming up, I would love to see more.
*Oh, I don’t know what to say here. You’re my friend, we talk a lot, we share things, you (usually) keep me from doing stupid things. Love you, dear.

*I enjoy your presence in my blog life and thank you so much for the confidence in my work. Thank you for the gift of your friendship. *hugs*

*A loving mother and a wonderful friend, you’ve been such a lovely support for me. Happy Valentine’s.

*I enjoy watching your visual creativity and your sparkle. You make beautiful images and you are so fun to be friends with! *hugs*

*You are gifted in so many ways. A fine writer, a generous collaborator and a true friend. I heart you.

*You have many thoughtful and perceptive insights. I enjoy reading about your life in a small town and think it is wonderful that you also feed strays, even though they are not terribly grateful. I love receiving messages from you and our occasional talking in chat. I also love reading your forays into other writers AU’s. I am so pleased that I know you. :D
*Love the LOLcats, as well as your other entries and your comments.
*You are imaginative, kind, generous and have a heart of gold.

*Your wit, charm, and kindness make me very happy to know you.

*You’ve been my friend for a long, long time and I miss you since you aren’t online as much! Life isn’t always a cup of tea for you but you go on without complaining one bit!

*Your spirit flows into me over the internet, zipping through cyberspace with greatest of ease. You make me feel loved make my heart feel full. Big things are going to happen for you. I can feel it.

*The fandom misses you!

*I enjoyed writing with you on the game and wish you well.
*You are probably one of the smartest people I know, but you are also strong and caring with a big heart, which I treasure a lot.
*You’re simply a wonderful lady. You don’t let life’s trials slow you down or derail your plans and I admire you for getting so much done!
*We’ve gotten to know one another much better this past year, and I am thankful for that. You’re a remarkably smart woman.
*You’re fascinating to talk to, a very intelligent woman who is just starting to discover her own strength. I really enjoy the time (not often enough) that I get to spend with you.

*Your words, advise, holding hands but also your friendship mean so much for me.

*You’re the bee’s knees! I adore you.

*You are one of my most generous readers. I know a few other writers who see you that way also. So saying that will not blow my cover. You are a real sweetheart!
*I cannot tell you how lucky I feel to have someone like you reading my work. We are truly blessed in this fandom, to have your keen and insightful brain interacting with our stories…it’s just flattering beyond measure. You’re a good friend, a good woman, and a wonderful writer in your own right, who doesn’t promote her work nearly enough! Here’s to more sharing of tales in 2010!
*You are wonderful, supportive and warm-hearted and make this fandom a much better place. Thank you for sharing your stories and your friendship with us!

*I think of you often and hope you are well and happ. *a big hug to you*

*I just love it that you are both a surgeon and write lotrfic and that you’re willing to share your expertise in both. Thanks so much for recent help making a fic authentic.

*As soon as we see one another, it’s like we’ve only seen one another yesterday, which I treasure so very much. Your heart is filled with kindness and loveliness. You are strong and talented and beautiful…and such an intelligent and witty cookie! Mwah!

*I am so glad you have joined my hournal. Welcome and glad to be friends! *hugs*

*Your life has taken on this amazing addition - more than one addition, a whole family! - and I am so happy for you.
*Smart and funny. Will be a great mom. I miss our conversations, and hope when things calm down, we can reconnect. <3
*Congrats new mom! We miss you but we know you’re in a special place in life right now. Enjoy!

*Thank you so much for feeding my Bale jones - and for all of your other wonderful icons as well. Yours are some of my most favoritest!

*No matter what happens your brilliance always shines through.

*I adore your lush and lovely prose. You are also probably the most productive writer I know!
*I miss you thoroughly. Miss our chats and your wonderful fics and I miss your unflagging support. Sending you a moon to wish upon, serenity, a box of chocolates, a tender love scene between Lee and Andrei, and a speedy response from SC. Many warm hugs.

*Where would I be without my SpecialK, thanks for everything honey and for all you do: you’re a gem.

*It is fun seeing you blossom in your new career in confections and be such a wonderful mummy. Love you! *huggles*
*You are a wonderful mom and friend, caring, loving and talented with cakes and cookies on top!
*Lovely mum, gret friend, can talk to you for hours, love your sense of humour. You’re one of the only two people online I never feel I have to watch what I say to or guard my back.
*What an exciting revelation I had in discovering such a kindred spirit! Looking forward to hearing more tales of words and horses…and thank you so much for introducing me to GetYourWordsOut… I already feel like my attitude toward writing (and my level of discipline) is evolving, no matter what my final output is. I halt at X and salute you!

*Thanks for being such a good friend and so supportive of my writing. I’m glad you are a part of my life.
*You are a lovely, kind and interesting person who I am very happy to call my friend. I always love talking to you in chat and I am always amazed by your positivity and seeking of solutions when adversity hit. I am so happy that you are my friend.

*No matter what we both faced the past year, you still remain such a strong friend for so many.

*I enjoy working on projects with you and being LJ friends. Thanks for everything!

*I love ya, wenchy! I hope that all goes well with you this Spring. It is fun working on creative projects with you!
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