I'm almost feeling like my old self again, reading and enjoying books a big part of my life now. I hope I can keep findind refreshing titles that grab me!
A short review of what I read last is below the cut.
16. Mercy Thompson series 2: Blood Bound, Patricia Briggs
In this book Mercy, a shapeshifter, must help a vampire, putting herself in grave danger. Without the need for world-building (already taken care on the first installement of the series, Moon Calles, this second book is more fast paced. There's aslo a small development in the love triangle that involves the main character, but nothing above PG. It's trully Urban Fantasy at its best.
17. My Big Fat Supernatural Wedding, PN Elrod (ed)
An anthology of paranormal short stories featuring weddings/wedding-related stuff. The stories by Rachel Caine, Jim Butcher and Charlaine Harris are a must read!
18. The Immortals 1: Evermore, Alyson Nöel
I was quite indifferent to this one, stories in which death/dying take a huge part tend to scare me away. Still I had already bought the sequel...
19. The Immortals 2: Blue Moon, Alyson Nöel
...from which you should stay away as far as you can. There are so much better reads out there. And even Damen (the male hunk) couldn't save this book. I couldn't believe when I heard Riley (the little sister) was getting her own series!
20. Black Dagger Brotherhood 1: Dark Lover, JR Ward
I'm very guilty of liking good HOT stuff lately. Well, probably any HOT stuff would cut it for me nowadays, but this is the good kind. The first half of the book is great, and even if it turns out a little mushy by the end, it's a great story, from both the romantic and the paranormal viewpoints.
21. Guild Hunter 1: Angels' Blood, Nalini Singh
BEST BOOK I've read so far this year. Probably in the last few years as well. It has just the right combination of urban fantasy and paranormal romance, the right mix of light and darkess, and a special blend of emotion that grips the reader. Plus, it's about angels.
22. The Wolves of Mercy Falls 1: Shiver, Maggie Stiefvater
I read online that this book was Twilight: Team Jacob's version. It's not. It's a compeling love story between an almost human girl and a wolf boy, but it lacks the depth of feelings that drawn me towards Twilight. I'm curious about the sequel though, an no big expactations usually means no big disappointments.
23. Guild Hunter 2: Archangel's Kiss, Nalini Singh
More heavy on the paranormal romance that its predecessor, it continues the story of hunter-born Elena and archangel Raphael... *sigh* I can't wait for the next in the series!
Currently reading: Strange Brew, another anthology edited by PN Elrod.
TBR: Linger by Maggie Stiefvater and Lover Etenal by JR Ward