Feb 28, 2005 21:22
Today was not awful… and considering that it was the first day back at school after such and awesome vacation… that is really saying something. Today is also February 28, 2005 the last day of the month… February is “black history month”-does anyone else realize that it is the SHORTEST month of the year!?! What the hell is that about anyway!?! (I know that isn’t an original idea but if the shoe of retarded ness fits… something is fucked up!) So in the words of the black-belt ¡Qué Follón! How f*#^?d up!
Anyway, back to my lame life… I am officially the ninth best French horner in the state of Vermont! Woot. The bad news? There are ten of us. Yup. Ten. So I have been accepted to the All State Music Festival. 90% of the horns were; myself getting the very last chair open for a sucky score of 63/140 and the chair of ninth French horn. I now am obligated… or at least strongly pressured by stubble man (a name he earned today) to attend. He says… “You are starting to have a nice sound..” yadda yadda yadda… “don’t look up at the other horns just be glad to be part of the group.” Yeah… ok… because I am sure that they won’t be looking down at me or anything. Haven’t told my folks the news… was just gonna let them know the week of the festival… if it weren’t for this stupid permission slip…hmmm… I once heard of a method of faking a parents signature… yeah right. ¡Qué Follón!
Had drama today… summary… slap! Kick! HELEN!!! VINEY!!! Me standing around watching the clock, waiting to make my witty remark. But all in all I got enough stage time to satisfy my needs and am completely content. Then I had to skip out for 15 minutes to go and sing with the key notes crew. God, they sing away blissfully unaware that our musical work is a literal train wreck. I missed an entrance… I had too long a break. The Mainolfinator shook her finger at me. Ouch. No seriously it was really scary.¡Qué Follón!
On a happier note there may possibly… though it is looking less and less likely- be a snow day tomorrow. If so there are big bowling/ Halo 2 plans in the works. God this is what I live for… el tiempo libre. My free time. PLEASE SNOW GUARDIANS! DON”T DISAPPOINT ME>! And if you do...¡Qué Follón!
The count continues. Only 81 more days! Woot.
Later Days--- Enneas