dangerously cheesy

Dec 01, 2006 02:37

To help keep warm on this cold night, I'm enjoying a nice bowl of Cheetos. It says 'Dangerously Cheesy' on the bag, and each time I read that it makes me smile. Dangerously Cheesy.. heh.

Cheetos seem to be mostly air. So perhaps it's a gaseous cheese within each perfect form. Can cheese exist as a gas? I dunno. The orange powder there on the outside certainly doesn't appear to be cheese. Nor does the brittle foamy core. And yet they taste sorta cheese-ish.

Cheetos are incredibly light, and I find myself pondering if one could be accelerated to a speed sufficient enough to kill (Dangerously Cheesy). If you had the ability to accelerate one Cheeto to a bewildering speed, a kill would be more likely if hundreds were fired instead of only one. The slightly curled shape would be a detriment to a single projectile's aerodynamics, so the 'Cheeto Scattershot' would be highly effective. An orange cloud of doom.

I haven't the means to figure out the formulae, but I suspect that such a lightweight projectile would have to be travelling at near atmospheric re-entry speeds in order to inflict serious bodily damage. Cheetos from space.

Cheetos are fairly greasy. An obvious problem with re-entry speeds would be sudden combustion. They would just burn up like a meteor.

I wonder what a planet made entirely of Cheetos would be like? If they were in large enough numbers to create gravitational attraction it would work. The orange surface would be crunchy and beautiful, with gentle rolling hills as far as you could see. Wind would create massive, shifting dunes across the entire planet. The weight from miles and miles of Cheetos would create extreme pressure near the core (like all planets) and the result would be a hot liquid cheesy core. Perhaps it would bubble up from hot-spots, creating geysers and volcanoes.

I should go to bed..

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