Apr 27, 2015 16:55
Because if you look at it with a neutral eye, you’ll see that Damon for the very first time chose other person (in this case, Bonnie) over his beloved Elena.
This also can be read as the first time he chose to let Elena go.
Why? For what we saw of Damon this season, at first he was in that limbo with Bon-Bon trying to get his ass back to be with Elena again, then, when Bonnie decided to sent him back to be with her, he had to work really hard in order to get Elena back (this delena drama was supposed to last more episodes but since Nina wanted to leave, writers had to run this plot till it’s very limit) and now once he did, Bonnie gave him the famous cure and even when he acted a little bit selfish at some point, giving himself time to think about giving or not the cure to Elena and end her vampire-life to start a human one again, at the end he decided to stop fighting.
In my very personal opinion you can see Damon being tired.
Yes. Tired.
Tired of his feelings for Elena.
Of course he loves her! And he always will, but he is in a different place that he was before he died and well, came back to Mystic Falls!.
There’s some kinda of war inside of Damon, the love he has for Elena is kinda devouring him. His essence and everything that makes him Damon.
And even when he made the choice of taking the cure with her (how many times I wrote Elena’s name already? LOL), I don’t believe for even a second that he knows what he wants to do, because there’s a difference between making a choice and carry on with the circumstances and consequences that the decision will make in your life, and accepting it and well, start to be happy about it and blah, blah, blah AND just make a choice and try to get it over with.
I can’t see Damon being human and happy, not even with Elena by her side (by the way Julie Plec, how dare you saying that human Elena was made for Stefan?? She fell in love with Damon being human!!, is like you don’t remember… or you don’t want to remember) See, Damon is like Caroline in this aspect. They both turned not wanting to be a vampire and then they loved it (kinda of selfish Elena wanting to give Care-bear the cure because she knows Caroline loves being a vampire by the way. But as many of you said, Elena hasn’t be Elena since probably s4).
And I want to think Elena will see this in Damon, so she won’t allow him to take the cure. I don’t want to believe Elena in order to get what she wants more in her life, will make Damon live a misery human life.
Elena that’s not you.
So this is personal goodbye to Damon & Elena.
We already started the separation road. And I know is gonna hurt all over for many of you but it will get better.
They say that when you have to life a traumatic experience in life, you change. Even if you don’t want to.
Then there’s other people who admit that you never really change.
So what of those sentences is good for Damon at this point? One of them clearly says that he never really loved Elena but the feeling inside of him when he was/is with her.
That’s very different.
delena meta,
my meta,
the vampire diaries,
tvd meta,