today millie suddenly stood up and ran towards mang's room (actually our room but nevermind) millie just sat there and waited for the door to be opened.
she dashed straight in when i opened the door and went to her usual corner
except today it wasn't so usual
mang was also at the same corner and they just sat together there
it was so funny i had to try hard not to laugh when i took the picture.
maybe i laughed too much, so millie moved off.
Anyway during breaktime today i finally decided to stitch up my 'oliver'. he's naked and faceless now but i think it was fun putting together my first bear. even though he's a bit 'rough'
here's another peep
I didn't stuff enough in his head i realize. so it's a little off... but as i said, it's ok. He's my first bear! :D
millie went to see dr. heng today and she's got a fungal skin problem. i hope AS remembers to apply the spray when i'm away and that it clears up soon. other than that she's really happy and looking forward to the party tomorrow.