I wrote the epilogue for my story last Friday, so the final days of November were spent doing a full proofing, fill in missing transitions, and get initial revisions done. I now have a completed first draft for "Choices Seal Our Fate." It clocks in over 83k words (how much over depends if I look in Scrivener or Word).
For the moment, I've signed up for
sammybigbang to post this story. With how excited I am about this, though, I'm starting to question if I want to post earlier. Before I do anything, I want to be sure I get other eyes on this.
Anyone reading this interested in doing some beta-ing? (Key things I ask my betas for are: plot flow, plot holes, and characterizations. There's also some wording questions with this one.) Or, can anyone point me in the direction of finding a beta? I've not been active in SPN fandom for years.