I think it's time to abandon ship

Sep 26, 2013 03:56

It all gets very old playing these rudimentary and arduous politics. People like to think of themselves and quick and clever but can they really reach into their back pockets and draw their wit as quickly as their dimwitted conclusions and self declared superiority. There minds are quicker, yes, but at a cost that is far more expensive than this get rich quick scheme that leaves them all burn-outs and cancels thier season before the fourth episode airs. What can you say when we all knew it was going to happen. An outcome so predictable why even bother wasting any time pointing it out.

So Ive never after like I am tonight maybe I'm going nuts. I keep on rambling and for some reason it seems that I think that my word is something everyone needs to hear want to be the person that speaks. And everything I want to say is nothing but stories that shine others in bad light and I look like a gossiping faggot how quickly and loud I'm saying all this no sense knowledge back to back.

I think I'm letting him get to me. I'm letting him scattered me and tear me about quicker than I can build my composure. My boat is filling with water faster than I can bucket it out and my arms are getting tired. But my mouth isn't. I'm not high, I'm not like this. I hope I'm not changing. I hope I'm not enjoying talking about the imperfections with others. The weird thing is the insatiable appetite these hungry ears possess. It's what people do to each other. And the ears are starving. Their bellies seem to be bottomless. And me, gutless. Which might explain why I don't have much appetite.

But hope is translucent; always in your presence but ever fading. Glimmers of the dreams you've orchestrated in your sleep and although the pages were all written so very finely in your own print and every page numbered you can very faintly remember but a line of it. The strength and value of hope cannot be apparent and scaled on practical terms but only in the faith that its fathered from and it's value and purpose only becomes apparent when you are not signaled or told but when it's felt. Not just felt but known.

cracking, ass slamming, bad habits, the cycle turns, what have we become

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