Damnit man, I'm a starship CMO, not a country doctor!

Mar 07, 2010 01:35


Q1. Name: Sarik

Q2. How did you find out about Elite of the Fleet? My roommate has applied and encouraged me to do the same. A friend of mine also recently was recruited into Exploratory Sciences (*nods at T'Rouble*)

Q3. When did you first become interested in Star Trek? I have been interested in Star Trek ever since I can remember. Enjoy the shows, movies, books, fanfic, games, role playing based in Trek, you name it.

Q4. Why have you decided to join Elite of the Fleet? Like I mentioned, I was encouraged to apply by a couple of folks. Looks fun and I look forward to meeting others who enjoy Trek as much as I do.

Q5. Who is your favourite Star Trek character? My favorite would be, of course, Spock (as if you couldn't tell from the muse journal). I also have a fondness for Dr. Leonard McCoy. I like both the TOS and the Reboot version of these characters. The new Spock seems a great deal angrier than the original, but within the new 'verse, it suits him. Despite his being slightly younger than the original Bones, it feels like Urban is channeling Kelly and adding something a little extra and it works. I also like Captain Archer, but I am still undecided if that is because I liked Quantum Leap and I have a thing for Scott Bakula. Worf was my other favourite that stood out. Also Flox. I liked Flox. See what you have started?

Q6. And the least? William Riker. I don't know, something about him just irritates me. It is like he is trying to pull off Kirk's charm but lacks the charisma to do so. I didn't particularly care for Deanna Troi either. She just came across to me as too whiny. Sorry to say, I don't much care for the new Chekov either. The did an excellent job with everyone else, but he just doesn't seem like Chekov to me.

Q7. Which television (or film) series is your favourite? TOS will always be my favorite. Do not mess with the original and the best. That being said, I do love Reboot even though they certainly did mess with the original there. My favourite movie is The Voyage Home. Spock in those robes, that headband and saying that Kirk had too much "LDS" (of course too many LDS missionaries knocking on my door makes a little crazy too, but that wasn't what he was talking about :P)? Just pure win.


Q8. What do you hope to gain from your service in Starfleet? I hope to gain new friendships, gain knowledge from new experiences and have grand adventures.

Q9. Is there any occupation in Starfleet you feel you would be particularly unsuited for? Possibly Engineering. I love gadgets and computers, but when it comes to engines, I agree with the saying "If it has tires or testicles, it will give you trouble". Tried some home repairs with some manuals to my car once, the result was bad. For my safety and the safety of anyone else aboard a craft with me, better keep me away from the engines.

Q10. The four current Academic Tracks at the Academy are Tactics, Operations, Exploratory Sciences and Medical Sciences. Describe how you could be an asset to each of these departments.
Tactical: [FYI: Navigation, Piloting, Command Specialisation - sometimes known as Command Division] I would be an asset to navigation because I enjoy orienteering and anyone I take a trip with, they automatically hand me the map so I can plot out the quickest route and guide them there. As for being an asset to Piloting, I enjoy many flight sims and have experience with many types of craft. I have had many classes on and experience in leadership positions and I feel I would make a good commanding officer, a fair yet just one.

Operations: [FYI: Engineering, Diplomacy, Administration, Communications, Security] I have already explained why I should not be allowed near an engine, but given proper instruction, I have no doubts that I would learn and exhibit capability in an engineering position. I often find myself playing peacemaker between arguing friends or trying to calm a friend down to handle a situation more calmly so I feel I would be good in Diplomacy (although you wouldn't wish to be my opponent in the game called Diplomacy- I tend to follow the teaching of Machiavelli whilst playing). I would be asset to communications because I love languages- have about six years of Spanish, two in standard Arabic (with some Iraqi), two in German, one in French and I am currently teaching myself Hebrew. I am also playing around with the Vulcan language online and know a few phrases in Klingon (yes, I am a geek, admitted). As for security, I can handle myself in a fight should a fight be necessary. I forgot one, Administration.... paper pushers *grumbles*, I can type and alphabetize I suppose, should that be required.

Exploratory Sciences: [FYI: Physics, Xenobiology, Xenobotany, Chemistry, Astronomy, Mathematics] Crypto-zoology happens to be a hobby of mine, so I would say that would be an asset. I am a bit of a mad-scientist, a hobby as well. I still enjoy playing with those chemistry, radio, etc., sets they sell for students and enthusiasts to play with. Astronomy and charting by the stars has also been an interest of mine.

Medical: [FYI: General Practitioners, Physiology, Psychology, Psychiatry, Nursing, Specialisations] I have extensive first aid and medical experience. I have been thinking about becoming a physician's assistant for while. Psychology has always fascinated me, finding out how and why the mind works is interesting stuff, so much of it is conjecture and requires one to 'connect the dots' and make reasonable conclusions with data.

Q11. What are your top five strengths?

01. Sharp mind. I learn very quickly and if it is a topic that I am interested in, I learn even quicker. I also have excellent recall of what I have put into memory.

02. Decisiveness. I am able to weigh information given very quickly and make decisions that are followed through. That being said, if a decision I made is a bad one, I am able to change direction, either changing my original decision and/or deal with the consequences of my actions.

03. Imagination. I have a very good and creative imagination that helps not only with my hobbies (gaming, writing, etc.) but also in real life. It is handy to have in a dilemma, to find a solution that someone else might not have thought of.
04. Protective. I am very protective of those within my circle. If one of them has a problem, then I have a problem and will do just about anything to help solve it and get them through.

05. Intuition. Combined with a watchful eye, I have the ability to read situations and people well. I am not accurate all the time, no one is, but I seem to have an intuition that most do not have. How much of that is some sort of natural thing or just a habit of carefully watching and analyzing people's actions, I don't know.

Q12. What are your top five weaknesses?

01. Procrastination. This is a bad habit and weakness that I share with many of my close friends. If something can be put off, and it isn't immediately important in the scheme of things, I seem to let it slide. I am trying to get rid of that habit, but it is a difficult one to break.

02. I am unsure of what to call this, and maybe it isn't a weakness per say, but it can be. I guess you could call it 'expects too much from people'. The only person this continuously affects negatively is me- every time someone lets me down. I expect loyalty, honesty and respect from others and I go out of my way to give those things to others, but over and over I am given betrayal, lies and disrespect from people and it does something to you each and every time. I consider that 'something' a weakness, not the weakness shown by people who are disloyal, dishonest and disrespectful (although those are weaknesses), but if I didn't care, if I expected less from people, I wouldn't be surprised. I wouldn't feel let down.

03. Protective. I listed that as a strength, but it can also affect me negatively. I can be too protective, keeping people from developing their own strength to defend themselves. Also, I can jump to the defense of a guilty person, just because they are my friend and I feel that protective streak. For example, if asked, I would adamantly deny a friend said something, yet come to find out, after making a fool of myself, that person did say that, once I calmed down and heard both sides of the situation.

04. Stubbornness. I consider myself stubborn and this trait can be a strength but there are also times when it can be a weakness. There are times when I can be irrationally stubborn about something, almost oppositional defiant even Since stubbornness in my most recent experience was negative (long story, that I won't bore you with now- ask me about my car's brake light, my mother's nagging and my poor wallet sometime), I listed it as a weakness.

05. Anti-social. I am a loner by nature and while I do not consider that a weakness in any way, I do notice my proclivity towards isolation. I would not want to be a party animal, but I know I should go out more often with friends. Even though I don't understand it at times, I should make the effort to make small talk and be more sociable with folks.

Q13. What is your biggest fear? I absolutely hate spiders. No logical explanation for it. Insects and other creepy crawlies do not bother me, but spiders scare me. Large ones, such as Woodsman Spiders can reduce to me to panic attacks. Usually after such an encounter all that is left is a very flattened spider, my frayed nerves and me in a very bad mood because I let the fear get to me. *mumbles* "Fear is the mind killer....I will face my fear...." *pictures large spider and starts shaking* See?

Q14. Do you consider yourself to be a leader, or a follower? I consider myself a leader, but there are times when I am quite content to be a follower. So, does that make a me a leader? Not in my own view, but some have said it does. I guess you could say I am a reluctant leader. If things are not being handled properly, I am more than willing to step up.

Q15. What do you admire the most in your peers? Determination, force of will. Nothing is more satisfying than watching a friend accomplish something that they were told over and over again by people that they could not do. Nothing is more admirable than that sort of determination in folks.

Q16. You are stranded on a Class M planet that has not been mapped by The Federation. You are only allowed to choose two of the following items to keep with you: a phaser, a tricorder or a communicator. Which two would you choose to have? I would keep the phaser and the tricorder. Both items would be required for survival. The phaser could be used to keep warm, to defend yourself and to provide food. The tricorder could be used to determine the probable safety of food to eat, to record what you have seen and done on the planet and it could also most likely be fashioned into a communication device of sorts.

Q17. Please describe your understanding of the Federation’s Prime Directive. The Prime Directive states that there should be no interference in civilizations that have pre-warp technology.

Q18. The United Federation of Planets includes more than 150 member planets, and the galaxy has many more besides. Which planet do you most want to visit? Risa. Come on now, like you wouldn't want to visit the so called 'pleasure planet'? Seriously though, after a vacation on Risa, I would say a trip to the Klingon home world. Klingons and their society have always fascinated me with their warrior society and particular code of honor and ethics. Visiting Romulus and going underground to work with Spock and those that seek a reunification would be exciting (TNG timeline, not Reboot) as well.


The following questions describe situations you may commonly find yourself in as a member of Starfleet. You will be read the scenario, and then given two options to choose from. You may expand upon the reasons for your choice, but you must indicate one of the two that you feel best describes your likely response to the situation provided.

Q19. Service in the Fleet can be draining at the best of times, and on one particular day everything seems to have gone wrong. You’re exhausted, but your shift is finally over and it’s time to unwind. Your roommate is already on their bed when you get back to your quarters. Do you:
b. Say hi, then stick in some earphones for music or grab a PADD for some recreational reading. A lie-down sounds pretty good right now, or maybe a bit of time relaxing on the observation deck - it should be pretty quiet by this time, which will give you a chance to sort through the day’s events in your head.

After a trying day I would need time to relax, in private. Alone. I would need some time to think about what had happened and how to avoid it happening again. Then some light reading material or some music to listen to and de-stress and prepare myself for another day, ready with the lessons I learned from today and ready to accept and learn from any new mistakes.

Q20. You’ve intercepted what sounds like a pretty important transmission - you feel like the Captain needs to know. When you report, do you:
a. Give them all the facts: what it said, what the voice sounded like, where the inflection was, the language it was in, and so on. Details and facts are the important part, everything else is subjective.


My duty is to report exactly what I heard and saw. No more and no less. It is up to the Captain to decipher the importance of transmissions himself. I cannot in all good conscience put my spin on what I have heard, giving my interpretation of what was sent would be exactly what I would be doing. If I did that, I basically would be giving a vote of no confidence to my Captain. I might as well lead a mutiny. Unless of course there was a reason to think the Captain was somehow unable to decipher the meaning of the message and that would most likely mean he or she would be unfit for command which is another matter entirely.

Q21. There are many decisions to be made in Starfleet, and some are harder than others. Faced with a decision where things could go wrong in any number of ways, do you:
a. Stay impersonal and objective. Weigh up the pros and cons, think out all the possibilities, and focus on the basic truths. A careful analysis of the situation will reveal the best possible choice, even though some may not approve of it.


I believe that it is the responsibility of a leader to remain impersonal and objective when making command decisions. It is important to weigh things carefully, look at all possible outcomes and to focus on the basic truths so that a decision can be reached that is impersonal and objective. You may find that there are some who will not like the outcome, but if they are reasonable, they will understand and also see that you were not playing favourites. You will earn more respect that way as a leader than if there was a taint of being to personal and not objective to your decision making.

Q22. The day-to-day life of Starfleet can be quite arduous at times, and quite exciting at others. Everyone has their own way of approaching everyday work, but would others see your approach as:
a. Planned and orderly. You seem to prefer to have decisions made and matters settled, rather than hanging over your head. You appear comfortable when in control over such matters. You seem to be task-oriented, and plan ahead.


I could have chosen either one of those answers. I think that to command, one has to be both flexible, open to new experiences and information as well as being able to make quick decisions and exude ease in making those decisions and being in control. It is wise to plan ahead, but it is unwise to be unyielding in the case of new information that would require the made plans to be broken and new plans, along with a new command decision being implemented. I think that it is important to be task-oriented, but you have to be careful, you can't be so task-oriented that you ignore the small details in favor of the larger picture. I would have to sum up my style of approach as being a mix of the two styles.

Q23. You can earn 5 points for your future Track by promoting the community in your Journal. Please link the post here if you wish to do so: http://cmdr-spock.livejournal.com/1635.html
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