Q1. Name: Ju
shiny_starlight Q2. How did you find out about Elite of the Fleet?
From a pimping post over at
kirkspock Q3. When did you first become interested in Star Trek?
I've been a fan of Star Trek all my life. My mom was a huge fan since TOS, and she got me interested when I was young. I've been interested in all incarnations of the series, and have seen all the movies.
Q4. Why have you decided to join Elite of the Fleet?
Because things can sometimes get dull around LJ, and I am always interested in a challenge.
Q5. Who is your favourite Star Trek character?
Hmm. I think it would have to be Lt. Cmmdr Worf, from TNG and DS9. I admire him for his courage of his convictions, even when his decisions are not the most popular ones, and bring him at odds with his friends. I admire his loyalty to his people, both his adoptive family and his birth family, and to Starfleet. I like the fact that once you have earned his respect, he will work with you with respect and to the best of his ability. I also admire his physical presence, his fighting ability and his diplomacy, though that did come later in life.
Q6. And the least?
My least favourite character is Kes, from Voyager. I did not think she contributed much to the crew of the ship and was never really developed well.
Q7. Which television (or film) series is your favourite?
It's hard to pick a favourite. Thought I adore TOS, I think it would be a mix of TNG and the Reboot movie. I love TNG because it got to explore and expand on the universe a lot more than TOS, and gave us a lot of background on many more cultures and situations. And I love the Reboot because it was fun, and made a decent explanation of the new direction it takes without people crying out 'That never happened in cannon!'. It's where Enterprise failed, I think. I also love the Reboot for bringing people back to Trek, and introducing a whole new generation of fans to the universe.
Q8. What do you hope to gain from your service in Starfleet?
The chance to meet new, like-minded individuals who love Trek as much as I do, and to have fun.
Q9. Is there any occupation in Starfleet you feel you would be particularly unsuited for?
Possibly the hard sciences. Physics was never my thing in school, though I am good with messing with technology.
Q10. The four current Academic Tracks at the Academy are Tactics, Operations, Exploratory Sciences and Medical Sciences. Describe how you could be an asset to each of these departments.
I have a good sense of direction, and am skilled in map reading. I am used to leading by example and have had several positions of seniority in my working life. I am comfortable and have experience driving several different types of vehicle, and it doesn't take me long to pick up a new to drive. I have good reflexes when it comes to changing course quickly while traveling, and I put my trust in the navigator.
I am good with technology, I can make sense of machines etc but I have never worked on anything large scale. I have the patience and tact for diplomacy, though I dishonesty frustrating. I have a lot of experience in administration and work on computers, and like getting things done, 'clearing my desk' so to speak. Once I work at it, I can pick up languages and I am a physically strong female with experience dealing with situations where violence could be a possibility. I understand that there are procedures for every situation and that force is always a last resort.
Exploratory Sciences:
I have always had an interest in biology, and excelled at it in school. I find astronomy a fascinating subject would love the chance to explore it more.
I am in no was squeamish when it comes to blood and bodily fluids and am cool headed and fall back on my training in a crisis. People and what drives them fascinates me and I am very good at taking care of people, especially when something is wrong with them. I have a big heart and care about what happens to them, and would like to follow up and make sure they are alright later on.
Q11. What are your top five strengths?
01. Honesty
02. Loyalty
03. Physical Strength
04. Computer capabilities
05. Empathy
Q12. What are your top five weaknesses?
01. Fitness
02. Impulsive
03. Too sensitive sometimes
04. Mathematical weakness
05. I can procrastinate at times.
Q13. What is your biggest fear?
Snakes. Seriously. I'm not too fond of heights, but I don't get paralysed with fear any more.
Q14. Do you consider yourself to be a leader, or a follower?
I like to think of myself as a leader. I have had senior positions in work environments in the past, and have found it boring unless I am given measures about responsibility. That said, if you earn my respect, I will follow you into hell.
Q15. What do you admire the most in your peers?
I admire honesty and loyalty in my peers. Honesty is very important to me.
Q16. You are stranded on a Class M planet that has not been mapped by The Federation. You are only allowed to choose two of the following items to keep with you: a phaser, a tricorder or a communicator. Which two would you choose to have?
I would choose to keep a tricorder and a communicator. The tricorder would be useful to identify foodstuffs and possible locations to set up camp, while also ensuring that water is safe to drink and free from contaminants etc. The communicator would be essential to re-establish contact with the ship when possible, also to give them my location if they can scan the planet. If necessary, I could find local means to defend myself and would not need a phaser above the other items.
Q17. Please describe your understanding of the Federation’s Prime Directive.
The Prime Directive was put in place to ensure that pre-warp societies had the chance to develop on their own without outside influence. Once a society has reach the technological level to develop warp travel, they are deemed to be at a technological level, and presumably, social and societal level, to be able to further develop with the aid of other species, but not be unduely influenced by them. Or taken advantage of by other species. The Prime Directive states that federation members are not allowed to interfere with a pre-warp society for these reasons.
Q18. The United Federation of Planets includes more than 150 member planets, and the galaxy has many more besides. Which planet do you most want to visit?
I would be very interested in visiting Qo'nos. The Klingon Empire is so widespread, and their warriors are so fearsome, and yet their culture is so rich, it would be a crime not to explore it more.
The following questions describe situations you may commonly find yourself in as a member of Starfleet. You will be read the scenario, and then given two options to choose from. You may expand upon the reasons for your choice, but you must indicate one of the two that you feel best describes your likely response to the situation provided.
Q19. Service in the Fleet can be draining at the best of times, and on one particular day everything seems to have gone wrong. You’re exhausted, but your shift is finally over and it’s time to unwind. Your roommate is already on their bed when you get back to your quarters. Do you:
b. Say hi, then stick in some earphones for music or grab a PADD for some recreational reading. A lie-down sounds pretty good right now, or maybe a bit of time relaxing on the observation deck - it should be pretty quiet by this time, which will give you a chance to sort through the day’s events in your head.
My roommate is also in Starfleet, and their day was likely as stressful as mine was. When I say hi, if they reply and seem to want to chat, we could talk about the day. But they might want to take the time to themselves to deal with their own stess. We need to be self reliant and be able to handle stress as officers, and learn ways to cope with them on our own. We can still talk to friends and roommates, and possibly senior officers during supervision meetings about problems.
Q20. You’ve intercepted what sounds like a pretty important transmission - you feel like the Captain needs to know. When you report, do you:
a. Give them all the facts: what it said, what the voice sounded like, where the inflection was, the language it was in, and so on. Details and facts are the important part, everything else is subjective.
I give as much details as possible, but keep my own opinions out of the report. I may be biased one way or another over the situation, and the Captain may be privy to information that I am not, and doesn't need my opinions cluttering up a report that may need to be read quickly. It is the Captain's decision at the end of the day.
Q21. There are many decisions to be made in Starfleet, and some are harder than others. Faced with a decision where things could go wrong in any number of ways, do you:
b. Try to understand the perspectives of the people involved. They are the ones that will be influenced by the decision, and conflict is the least desirable outcome. Be certain to be tactful, even if some of the message is lost in the communication.
Sometimes, as a leader, you need to do with your gut. Every situation is different, and there may be general rules for similar situations and events, but one small thing may tip the balance of right and wrong entirely. We would not be the ones living with the decision afterward. We need to do what will be best for the majority of people.
Q22. The day-to-day life of Starfleet can be quite arduous at times, and quite exciting at others. Everyone has their own way of approaching everyday work, but would others see your approach as:
a. Planned and orderly. You seem to prefer to have decisions made and matters settled, rather than hanging over your head. You appear comfortable when in control over such matters. You seem to be task-oriented, and plan ahead.
No matter how much fun you have, work still needs to be completed on time. I am a person that likes it when everyone works together, and does their bit and pulls their weight. Ensuring that reports etc are completed and handed in on time ensures that when the opportunity for fun and spontaneity does come up, you can grasp it with a clear mind and enjoy such matters. Likewise, when things are busy and hectic, having a clear and ordered workload provides a strong support for you and the people around you. It is your job to ensure your duties are performed correctly, and others are relying on you to get your part done.
Q23. You can earn 5 points for your future Track by promoting the community in your Journal. Please link the post here if you wish to do so: