Dammit man, I'm a death panelist, not a doctor!

Dec 25, 2009 16:57


Q1. Name: Kat | kittehkat

Q2. How did you find out about Elite of the Fleet?

rotae had mentioned she was thinking about creating a replacement for hogwarts_elite that would fill the gap of one of our more active online communities as it closed. I think the idea first surfaced as a theoretical tweet. Anyway, I was thrilled and on-board right away -- I love ( Read more... )

academy round 1, enlistment application

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SPOCKBUTT (_|_) sparkly_stuff December 31 2009, 08:11:13 UTC
Wow, you're a tough one.

Although you would probably be successful there, I can't bring myself to put you in Exploratory Sciences. Yes, you absolutely have an analytical, scientific mind, but quite frankly I can't see you being completely fulfilled spending all day in a lab, running tests on soil samples or whatnot. You could possibly make a good Engineer--it's a more creative kind of science and you keep cool in crisis situations, but Engineers tend to see the engines as their babies, and I don't see you having that kind of passionate attachment to a piece of machinery.

The fact is, you're too extroverted to work in a typical geeky science position. You need to be around people. It's apparent right up front in the reasons you give for why you want to join: Social interaction! The collective nerdgasms...The sense of community. BAM!

So that's why I'm disagreeing with my colleagues and recommending you for enlistment in the Medical track, in a position as a Counselor or Psychiatrist. This would combine your analytical skills and intellectual curiosity together with daily interaction with fellow Starfleet personnel. You need to be out there analyzing people, not data sets.

Your personal control over your own emotions doesn't preclude you from being compassionate and concerned with others' emotional states. I constantly check-in to see that everyone's happy. Your top 5 strengths seal the deal for me, especially I can sense and feel things about people quite easily, often leading to prediction of how an interaction will go, sensing if there's distress or need, and knowing what to say in a situation to resolve it. Even in your negatives section where you discuss being judgmental: I just want to get to know people, and develop ideas about them, particularly in the beginning to see if I was right. This doesn't necessarily have to carry the negative connotation you think it does. You have strong ethics, a desire to make people's lives better, and you like to listen to people.

Yes, you'd have to get patients to talk at length about their feelings, and describe emotions that could be disturbing and that you would find difficult not to disapprove of--but it would be your job to analyze their emotions and behaviors and the motivations behind them, not empathize with them. You would always be the one in control of the conversation. You'd enjoy digging deep to get to the truth of what's bothering someone; to know things about someone that they don't even see in themselves, and then find creative ways to treat them. From what I've seen, while you may be quick to judge on the inside, on the outside you strive to be fair and not allow your personal opinions to color your truthful analysis. (Though I think you'd like nothing better than to get Kirk on your couch [not in THAT way dammit] and psychoanalyze the hell out of him until he's crying about how he never knew his daddy and that's why he's such a slag. ;D)

IDK, I could be completely off-base here, but the more I review the Medical personality analysis, the more I see you. SORRY TO THROW A WRENCH IN THINGS. EXCEPT I'M NOT.


THANK YOU FOR ENLIGHTENING ME (AND FOR THE SPOCKBUTT) kittehkat December 31 2009, 08:49:55 UTC
At first I was going to argue, because I hate hearing people whine about situations they got themselves in, but then I thought about it, and I actually really love hearing people tell me stuff about themselves so I can privately judge them.

And I can't coherently respond to this part, because you nailed me on the head with this bit: to know things about someone that they don't even see in themselves.

From what I've seen, while you may be quick to judge on the inside, on the outside you strive to be fair and not allow your personal opinions to color your truthful analysis.
Two-fold of awesome points. #1... well, you know why I would find this particularly funny. And #2, I really do try to live that way and make the most affair assessment possible. Just. YOU SEE THROUGH ME. STOP IT. lol And yes, nothing would be more satisfying than seeing Kirk cry tears of unfathomable sadness! LOL JK JK

I wasn't too sure I'd be good for Medical because I'm not a nice person, and I'm not a patient one, and I never thought I'd be a good counselor on top of that, but y'know? You argue real good. ;) Okay, okay, I see it. :P Thanks for the enlistment!


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