Ficcage, etc.

Feb 08, 2005 16:39

So The Wedding is writing itself despite my express desires not to write lately. In the last two classes of Astronomy, rather than listen to the lecture or take notes, I've been writing. And Lucius popped up today. I'm now beginning to wonder if this damn ficlet is about to grow to 5 chapters. I have about seven pages handwritten that need to be transcribed (and would have done most last night if I hadn't started messing around with mom's computer and downloading Firefox, getting rid of all the evil IE icons everywhere, and then defragging the POS) and then some transitional paragraphs and Ch 3 will be done. So that will probably take me a couple of weeks. Ha!

Today, I got back my first response paper for my english class. The prof didn't mark too much on the paper and on the attached slip he said I brought up good questions, sooooo I guess I did alright. It's only a completion grade anyway.

The prof reminds me so much of my ex-boyfriend it's disturbing. Well, minus the chronic self-effacement and low self-esteem. Instead of being a comic nerd, this guy's a lit nerd. And he kind of looks like him, except taller. And has his mannerisms. Very disturbing. I went by his office last Thurs to clear up an email confusion and talked with him a bit. I told him I was a little nervous about the class, seeing as I've never taken a college-level English class before and he reassured me, saying he tried to create the class where you didn't necessarily have to have a broad background in lit to do well, then he said that there really wasn't anything he could say to make me not worry, but if he were me, he wouldn't worry. ???? Then I told him my concentration was creative writing and I hadn't ever taken a class on it before, in fact hadn't done much writing since I was in high school (yeah, not going to get into a discussion of the merits of fanfic w/ a prof, at least not anytime soon) and he said, well, if you can't hack it, you can always switch concentrations -- or something to that effect. WTF?! Eh.

I really want to get on with The Wedding, as I have an idea for a non-fanfic story. Shocking, yes?! It came upon me after visiting a friend and he told me this dream? idea? that he had and I took it and expounded upon it, really brought it to fruition -- without his permission, but I wasn't going to write it unless he okayed it. I told a mutual friend -- who had also been present -- and he loved the idea and mentioned it to our friend who was completely blown away with my take on it and told me to write it. BUT I can't until I finish The Wedding. Which means I should probably get to it then.
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