I've Had A Little Bit Too Much

Mar 13, 2009 19:39

WHO: Uchiha Sasuke {avengements}, OPEN
WHERE: Outside the hotel
WHEN: Evening
SUMMARY: Sasuke wants to get out of the invisible-ness and explore again.
WARNINGS: None yet, aside from Sasuke's brooding?
STATUS: In-Progress

Warily, Sasuke stepped out of the hotel, glad that he hadn't run into any doors or walls like other people had; he'd almost fell down the stairs, but luckily, he'd memorized where the railing was and grabbed it before he'd made a fool of himself. Stupid Host and his tricks . . .

Once outside, he glanced around at his surroundings curiously, dark eyes flashing red before he stopped himself, remembering what had happened the last time he'd put these eyes on.

Everything had gotten blurry for a minute, but it had only taken a few minutes for things to go back to normal. It hurt and gave him a headache, but he wasn't going to let that stop him. If this Host thought he could stop him by taking away his sharingan, he had another thing to deal with.

Sasuke was going to find a way back to Konoha and all the old fools in that village were going to pay for what they had done.

uchiha sasuke

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