enhanceroftruth), Open
WHERE: Refectory
WHEN: Afternoon
SUMMARY: GLaDOS discovers the wonder that is cake. 'Nuff said.
RATING: PG/PG-13, depending on how things go.
WARNINGS: GLaDOS is enjoying her cake a little too much.
STATUS: In-Progress
GLaDOS hummed cheerfully to herself as she strolled into the Refectory. This was one of the (many) places that she had yet to explore in Ravis Seur. She didn't know how much longer she would have possession of Jack's body, but exploring wasn't really her priority. No, that belonged to the chocolate-and-cherry confectionery that some man named Sanji had been so kind as to make for her. All for taking good care of Jack's body. Really. She had been intending to do so anyway.
"Look at me still talking while there's science to do; when I look out there it makes me glad I'm not you..." GLaDOS found a knife and sliced into the cake, cutting out a sizable portion. This presented some difficulty in making its way onto the plate fully intact, but somehow she managed it. GLaDOS wasn't used to this body, after all.
"I've experiments to run; there is research to be done on the people who are still alive..." And then the moment of truth. GLaDOS raised the fork to her lips and tried her first bite. Her first taste of any kind of food, actually.
She automatically closed her eyes to savor the complex flavors of the cake. It was bitter, smooth, spongy, and most predominantly sweet. There was a little bit of a strange aftertaste to it, seeing as she had never tasted alcohol before. But it was good. GLaDOS immediately tried another piece, relaxing back into her chair and surprising herself with the small pleased noise she had made.