Oct 10, 2008 22:49
I don't know what his problem is, but some young lad just shoved me into a fountain of sorts. What is it with the value of young people in society these days, have they just nothing better to do? Though I will admit, it does get boring here. Exploring gets old after a while. Also, there's a strange cackley noise coming from the shed. I think I'll leave for somewhere else, its starting to make me nervous. But away from The Machine. Far away.
If anyone sees a kid with white hair and red eyes, I'd like to have a word with him. Savvy?
[ooc: Just occurred to me that he's never said "savvy" once in this RP. Sorry for the inactivity guys D: I've been waiting to have Jack post this, but its classified information~
Oh, and if anyone's looking for Soul, you can find him isolated in the shed, playing with the gardening tools in there. Characters near the shed should hear a laughter and him talking to himself. If they tell him to shut up, there's a good chance he'll throw something at them later, or just laugh louder at them :D I'm also looking for people to plot with right now, with Soul. um. if you're interested, AIM is allycat100104. It's kind of..important 8D NO PRESSURE. but yeah, long OOC note, sorry. It had to be said.]
jack sparrow