Aug 06, 2010 00:46
We have tickets to see The Tempest in Stratford. Here are the details.
The Tempest
August 20,2010 at 8:00 PM
Festival Theatre
B Orchestra: 9 N 75
All of the Play On tickets for the Tempest for the year are sold out. Actually most of the seats period are sold out, and the performances that aren't only have a few seats left. I strongly encourage you to go see this play. Tickets are about $50. That's like two other Play On plays. This is probably worth seeing two other plays. So do it!
The reason The Tempest is sold out is that Christopher Plummer is absolutely a-fucking-amazing.
We also have tickets to see The Winter's Tale, again not a Play On performance.
The Winter's Tale
August 24,2010 at 8:00 PM
Tom Patterson Theatre
B Seating: 1 C 59
There is a Play On performance of The Winter's Tale available. It is on Saturday September 4, 2010, and it still has tickets available. We're going to see a different play that day, so that's why we're not going to the Play On one. But maybe you will! The Winter's Tale is a fun play. It's the one with the famous stage direction "Exit, pursued by a bear". And the actors in it who I've seen in other plays are wonderful. I'm really looking forward to it and I recommend you go see this play too.
There are a whole bunch more plays I want to see at Stratford. Most of them we'll probably see in September and October. Though, maybe if this trend of things selling out continues, I ought to book them more in advance.