Lessons from Argentina's economic collapse

Feb 16, 2009 23:27

This post on a survivalist forum by Ferfal about living in Argentina after the 2001 collapse of its economy gave me some food for thought. I particularly found interesting his ideas about what he would do in advance of an economic collapse, given what he knows now. He has a blog now, called Surviving in Argentina.

In the post, there are some acronyms I figured out from context, such as TSHTF, which means The Shit Hits The Fan. TEOTWAWKI means The End Of The World As We Know It.

I think what he has to say about gold is interesting. Survivalists often talk about keeping gold coins, but what Ferfal says is more useful are "junk gold" such as 18 karat rings and chains, that are bought and sold for wholesale prices in the marketplaces. He suggests buying in advance a bag of gold rings and chains at wholesale prices to use for trade.

He has other points too, such as be prepared to move to another country if necessary. It is good to have bank accounts in multiple currencies. He thinks that survivalists who commit themselves to staying in a particular fortress, but don't financially prepare themselves to move are poorly prepared.

Other items he finds useful are solar battery chargers, LEDs, generators, body armour, guns, and of course food.
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