Wednesday: so hard to spell. It makes no sense. why?

Sep 29, 2010 15:19

Finished another paper, twenty minutes before class starts. I need to stop procrastinating, but it feels so good. Like waking up, seeing the clock, and going "Meh, i can still sleep some more." I don't want the fun to end, but I'm getting tired of it at the same time.

Tonight is Tabletop Game club. Maybe I can convince some people to start a game of Dark Heresy or Exalted or DFRPG. I miss it. Rolling the dice, seeing how big a hole I made in that cultist.

My favorite was managing to utterly vaporize a creature from a starter module. Gamma was moving closer to examine it while I circled around behind to get a better angle on it. It noticed him, but not me. After a campaign of horrendously bad rolls, I finally managed to score 3 direct hits. it went from menacing creature to gooey chunks in .45 seconds.

Anyway, I also bet to bring out The Good, The Bad, and The Munchkin. Been wantint to try it, but Roommates are too focused on schoolwork and First person Shooters.

Galileo was a prick.

Found ut my ipod doesn't care for having two different programs upload files to it. Glitched out last night when I tried uploading Motteke Sailor Fuku to it. Currently reuploading my songs. Fun.

Must rush now. Class starts in less than 10 minutes and I'm not there yet.

EdIT: In class now. Midterm is on Hypatia of Alexandria. My inspiration for this move? A ruler. With The Great Women Rulers Of Science. Oh, the puns. She was an astronomer, but that's all I know about her. Must look up more about her. On the plus side, class is probably going to be uneventful.
EdiT: Must remember to read Descartes, Huegen, and Bacon in my text book. Thankfully the book was cheap. Unlike the buisiness class. 200 dollars!

rpg, bored, cor classes, assignments, optional, random thoughts, spelling

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