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So this morning I thought I'd save enough time to do another Rank 1~ Levequest. In Gridania, the NPC in Carline Canopy that issues levequests (Gontrant) allowed me to take 4 Battlecraft levequests from Camp Bentbranch, as well as allowed me to get a tutorial battlecraft levequest. Yesterday I did 'Moles vs. The Pilgrims'. The task was to kill 6 moles. It wasn't easy though, the mobs certainly were quite tough, and right before dying, if you let them idle in a low HP, they would bury down the ground and jump on causing quite some damage. Because of this and because it was late, I stopped after finishing the levequest and cashing in some gil.
This morning I thought I'd give it another try, and since I logged out myself at Camp Bentbranch, I just basically had to stand up and start the levequest; 'Charging Chiglets'.
As soon as I logged in I realised the soothing sound of the rain. Unlike yesterday, which was a sunny day in Gridania, today was raining. I must admit I really like it, and reminded me greatly of the Sanctuary of Zi'Tah, from FFXI. It was really relaxing to walk around, and it brought me some fond memories. After accepting the levequest it was time to head for my preys. Here I was asked to find 6 Chiglets and kill them. So I accepted my quest, not so much because of my lust for chiglet blood, but because I needed the skill and experience points, as well as money!
After getting the dots in the map, it was time to look for the damn chiglets. It's cool that aside from the dots and arrows in the mini-map, you get to see the area where the levequest target is/are located, so you don't get lost in the middle of the woods. I must admit that FFXIV looks really good, even if my computer isn't that great the environment and characters act very lively, specially with the facial expressions. In FFXI it was very rare to see facial expressions other than the usual ones (smile, anger, etc.) It is clearly a nice change, and I'm glad they've worked on some things. On my way to my levequest target I had the time to check out some of the newly implemented features, like sitting! I'm glad they've kept a similar motion as the one Tarutarus used, because clearly it couldn't be improved in any way, haha. You may wonder why I decided to sit on the water? Well I was already wet, so bite me, Goobue!
Of course, that was right after the Chiglets surprised me and killed me! You see, in FFXI Chigoes (similar to Chiglets) had the very bad habit of surprising adventurers and if they had low health, well, you can sort of piece up what would happen. This time around they surprised me! Because I had name display off for the screenshots, I didn't even see them gank up around me and not allow me to hit them or anything... Oh well, may the twelve bless the lack of EXP loss! You can see their evil expressions staring at my dead body. At least I managed to kill one, I guess!
Also, on my way to the targets I found this pretty area by a lake. It's so pretty and relaxing! It confirms my idea of starting in Gridania, where else spend the most annoying levels of an MMO other than in a relaxed area? Haha. This seemed like it had a dock or a port, I hope that someday they release an underwater city, much like Alzadaal Ruins without, well, ruins. It'd be very interesting, and it could very well introduce new races. I don't think they will, but this time around they're not closing canon-races by being the 5 tears of a goddess. Anyway, here's the place I was talking about, isn't it pretty?
Once I arrived at my destination, Chiglets were no match for this Conjurer, and easily sent them to hell with my Spirit Dart! I know, I'm making it sound more exciting than it was, but at least I managed to avenge myself! The fight was simple and rewarding, as long as you didn't lock-on your targets, because they die too fast to need that. Basically spamming Spirit Dart worked better than using any Rank 1 elemental spell. In no time I killed all 6, and the Aetheryte node appeared for me to get my rewards and get back to Camp Bentbranch! Hurray!
As you can see, Enki is very happy to finally take down something like a true adventure, but it was even better when upon returning to the camp, prior to loging out, he realised there was a material prize for his efforts! The well-earned Hempen Chausses (brown)! Enki wasn't sure he'd like them...
But eventually decided to equip them, well, who wouldn't, just look at how well they fit on him!
And that's it for today! I'll check in once I do a couple more levequests.