Sunday was gloriously sunny and warm....
...which was why Waki suddenly found himself waiting for the bus with Enk towards London.
We met up with a friend and tromped towards Holland Park.
Pretty colours everywhere...
Even Enk liked the natural pinkiness of the flowers in full bloom.
And even quite a few sakura blooms to be admired!
Ohanami without the sake....
A curious and remarkably fearless little Robin Redbreast flew down and tweeted as us.
And in the middle of the park, we found what we were looking for....
Kyoto Garden!
"The Kyoto Garden in Holland Park is a medium-sized pond and waterfall garden London City Park and was opened in 1991 to celebrate the Japanese Festival, and refurbished in 2001 as part of Japan 2001. Both the original design and refurbishment were carried out by a team of garden specialists flown over from Kyoto."
It really doesn't feel much like London anymore!
And to my delight.... my favourite: Bright red Japanese Maples on Maple Lane!!
After that long walk, we stopped by a pub nearby (The Mitre) for a drink where Waki happily chugged down his half pint of lemonade.
A Sunday well spent!