Yours: Chapter Fifty-Three

May 01, 2011 01:01

Title: Yours
Pairing: Ville and OFC
Summary: A woman wakes from a five year coma only to learn that she has a husband and daughter she doesn’t remember.
Disclaimer: Apparently it's illegal to own people, but I do own a couple characters and some of the basic plot line.
Warnings: None right now.
Authors Notes: I'm back again! This is a short chapter that I hope you all like, just to let you know I haven't forgotten about this. I have more time to write now and will be posting chapters more regularly. I hope you're all still around to read this. =)

Previous Chapters

Ville walked downstairs to find his wife sitting on the floor next to the record player writing in her new journal as Razorblade Romance spun, his voice singing quietly in the background. Her hair had been brushed and though it was still wet, hung down her back in dark, snaking tendrils, soaking her shirt. She didn’t even seem to notice as she scribbled in her book.


“Hmm?” she lifted her head, the cap to her ink pen between her lips, and raised her eyebrows. He smiled at her then started toward the kitchen.

“Do you want coffee?”

“Mmm.” She spit the cap on the floor then looked back to her journal, still writing. “Speaking of coffee, you have to clean up that mess from breakfast yesterday. You spilled coffee all over the floor and broke the cups and the plate I had our toast on. It’s still there.”

“There were more important things than coffee on my mind.” he told her almost laughing as he filled the pot with water.

“Oh, yeah. I know.” she sighed happily then giggled as she continued to write. “I still think you’re more of a girl than I am, so you’re gonna have to prove me wrong again later.”

“Are you sure we have to wait until later?” he walked back into the living room and waggled his eyebrows, making his wife laugh when she looked up at him.

A knock on the door sounded, along with Angel calling for her parents and Mina nodded closing her journal and turning off the record player. “Yip.” she grinned as her husband pouted at her then ran to the door when she heard Angel’s tiny fist knocking. She unlocked the door and swung it open then reached down and lifted her daughter into her arms.

“Mommy!” the five year old wrapped her arms around her mother’s neck tightly as Mina moved aside to let her in-laws in.

“Hi, baby.”

“I missed you so much, mama.” Mina laughed.

“What about daddy? Did you miss him too?”

“Uh huh. Almost as much as I missed you, but I had my pink unicorn so it was ok. I named her after daddy.”

“You did?”

“Uh huh, I named her Willa.” Mina grinned then tweaked her daughter’s nose watching as she scrunched it.

“I bet daddy likes that. Why don’t you go give him a hello hug and kiss while I take your things from grandma and grandpa?”

“Ok.” the curly haired child climbed down from her mother’s arms and slid to the floor then ran to her father jumping into his arms as he held them out. Mina smiled as she watched them hug and Angel plant a sloppy kiss on Ville’s cheek then turned back to her in-laws.


Anita and Kari smiled, looking her over carefully then laughed and each gave her a gentle hug. She blushed knowing that her husband’s parents knew what they had been doing.

“You’re glowing this morning, Mina. Ville is too.” Anita told her as she handed her Angel’s suitcase.

“We’ve...talked.” She giggled as her parents-in-law laughed. “Would you like some coffee? Ville’s making some.”

“Talked? That’s what you’re calling it now?” Kari asked with a wicked grin that reminded her of Ville’s.

“In front of Angel, yes.” Mina told him with a shy smile. He and Anita laughed again as Mina took Angel’s bags from them and sat them behind the couch. She’d carry them up to Angel’s room later.

Mina waited for them to sit then sat on the chair across from them and smiled at her husband when he and Angel walked into the living room with a tray covered in coffee cups. Angel even had her own coffee cup on the tray, a small pink plastic coffee cup with a girly skull on it, even though she wasn’t allowed to have the caffeine laden drink yet. Most likely hers was filled with orange juice or grapefruit juice which Mina had never figured out how the five year old drank. It was awful stuff, but Angel loved it. Maybe it was because Ville always put a tiny bit of sugar in it to take away some of the tart flavor. Either way it was gross.

“Did you have fun, princess?” Mina asked as Angel handed her a black coffee cup with sliver stars painted on it. Angel nodded grinning madly.

“It was super fun. Grandma took me Saturday to Fallkulla to see the animals. I wasn’t supposed to, cause I’m not old enough, but I got to help feed one of the cows. I get special treatment cause of daddy. And then Sunday, since the store was closed, Papa took me to the Moomin shop. Not the one in the airport though. The other one. Did you know daddy used to watch Moomins? They’re weird, but super fun.”

Mina laughed, having no idea what Moomins were but decided they were probably a cartoon of some sort since Ville loved cartoons so much. And what was Fallkulla? Probably a farm if they had cows. “Fallkulla’s a farm?”

“It’s a domestic animal zoo, mama. They have cows and horses and ducks and chickens and all kinds of nifty animals.”

“At least you’re not allergic to the animals, baby.”

“Daddy is. Daddy’s allergic to anything with fur. He said he was allergic to fish too, but I think he was just saying that because we’re not home to take care of them. I always wanted a pretty fish tank.” She batted her eyes, pouting at Mina. “A pretty fish tank with pink rocks in the bottom and I’m pretty sure they have pink fish.” Mina laughed again as Angel rambled about a fish tank and glanced over a Ville to see him smiling sheepishly. He knew they’d be getting their daughter a fish tank soon.

“Princess, what do you mean you get special treatment cause of daddy?”

“Um...people know who daddy is and they know grandpa cause of the store and he’s daddy’s daddy so when they see me they know who I am. And sometimes I get stuff cause of it.”

“Uh huh.” Mina took a sip of her coffee to keep from frowning. She wasn’t entirely sure she liked the fact that her daughter got special treatment because of her father. It wasn’t like he was some kind of royalty and Angel was a real princess. Granted she was their princess, but not a real one. Or was Angelica considered a Rock Princess because of Ville’s status in the music world? Was he really that popular of a musician? Had he and the rest of his band become royalty?

“It’s not acceptable to use that Angel,” Ville murmured quietly after he saw the looks passing through Mina’s eyes. She was trying to understand it even though she didn’t really know what had happened with the band. “Not all the time. Once in a while is fine, but don’t always expect people to move out of the way for you because of it.”

Mina lowered the cup from her lips and gave her husband a thankful smile when their daughter turned toward him. He had said what Mina couldn’t even think to say. Not when she was busy trying to figure out how Angel got special treatment from people that weren’t her family.

“I know daddy. Grandma said it was ok just that once because the girl that was there had a HIM shirt on. And I saw you on it and I told Grandma and the girl heard me so she let me help her. I was innocent, really I was.”

Mina, Kari and Anita laughed while Ville grinned. As if Angel had been innocent. They all knew she could plot and plan just as much as her daddy to get what she wanted. It was inherited from him and they all knew it. Angel had probably seen the shirt and told her grandmother about it a bit louder than she needed to just so the girl would hear her and let her feed the cows.

Kari and Anita spent half the day at the tower, staying for lunch as they shared more stories about what they had done with Angel during the weekend and some of Ville’s childhood stories as well as some childlike stories from his adult years. Mina didn’t think she’d ever met a more loving family and found herself lucky to just be in the same room with him. Counting herself even more lucky that she happened to be a part of their family. Sometimes she still couldn’t believe what had happened in her life that had led her to this.

Before his parents had left Ville had mentioned having a family dinner soon, everyone including Jesse coming over and had caught the barest hint of panic in Mina’s eyes at the suggestion before she had nodded and said that she wanted to see Jesse again. If only to hear stories about he and Ville when they were younger. She wanted to know how they interacted with each other being eight years apart.

She had know. Especially if things continued the way they were and everything settled down. She was certain that if they did then she and Ville would soon be telling Angel that she was finally going to get the little brother or sister that she’d been wanting since Mina had woken up.


Comments and con-crit are very much loved and appreciated as always. *hugs*


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