May 14, 2006 16:01
man o man... my first exam is tomorrow...i am nervous but i do feel prepared for when i go in the exam i am going to know nothing!! that would really suck..actually that is how i felt when i took IR 211 last semester...oh well that class really sucked...methodology isn't interesting at all...not even my cool prof and TA could make it better :( Anyway i took 3/4 of a practice LSAT and then did a bit more reading at the library...i just feel so blase right now. Nothing is going on but i have to knuckle down and study study study. Another thing that is depressing me is that i have been searching for law schools and PhD let's just say that my GPA looks really really bad next to all the statistics. I know that there will be an opportunity to explain my poor grades but i always feel like i am making an excuse for myself when i try to give reasons for them...oh well i have so much to give and so few opportunities to show how good i can be/how hard i me i really did study for my bio class and i still failed the sad is that!!
Anyway the band leaves for the Italy trip on Tuesday (i think) and i am not going to visit at all...between the really expensive plane tickets and revision i just can't justify it to myself which i guess is better since i am going to be home soon anyway and i can see everyone then...
oh yeah and working out and eating right sucks ass...all i have wanted to eat today are doritos and pizza with some nice beer...but instead i had some pasta with soy mince and tomato sauce and water....if i don't start seeing some changes soon i think i am going to go insane...