Second to the last topic of this challenge is for my favourite group photo. Wondering why my subject is Ohno’s character?
It’s becaaaause, I LOVE THESE TWO PHOTOS FROM THEIR SHOP PHOTOS! They’re from the BTS of Monster making which was Kaibutsu-kun’s OST.
Let me discuss the first one:
I would like to commend the photographer who captured this moment. I know the jumps were not totally as straight as a ruler but it was beautifully captured 😍😍😍😍
The next one is something that I had as my Blackberry phone’s wallpaper from 2011-2013 or so? Yeap. I have this one in a long time. Ahahaha. I even bought the replicated necklace that Sho was wearing in this video. I think I lost it already since it was from a long time ago.
It was nice seeing them in their goofy poses. They’re not perfect really and they do not try that to be perfect but they try to be an example that it is okay not to be perfect and I love them for that! 💙❤️💚💛💜
My five colorful hearts are so full with love for them 😍
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