[cl] 43. Pitching a tent

Jun 08, 2010 01:00

[Set in pushedtoedges. wentdwnthatroad is used with permission and love.]

“I’m not sure which I should be more impressed with-the fact that you managed to find a tent or the fact that you actually managed to get it up all on your own.”

There was a lilt to her voice, just enough on the tail end of the sentence that it could have been her playing with the meaning if he was listening closely enough. She had been teasing him about tent mishaps since he had suggested the idea, and this was just another good-natured barb in his direction. They were a good ways away from the village-far enough that they were alone, but close enough that they weren’t in the woods-and it was only for the night, but it was still a bit more than she was used to, and she was reacting the only way she knew how.

Sam snorted back and gave her, heading over to sit on the blanket she had spread out. “Ha ha. Cute.” He took the basket from her so that she could sit, before shifting so that he was sitting closer. “Are you gonna be making jokes like that for the whole night, or are you good?”

She laughed. “I think I’m done.”


She reached into the basket, pulling out one of the sandwiches she had packed and handed it over to him. “I really am impressed with how you got that tent up.”

“Yeah, well-not like it was my first time,” he smirked, taking the food from her, and she laughed, before leaning back with her own sandwich. “My brother and I used to go camping a lot when we were kids.”

“Winchester family hunting adventures?” she asked, tilting her head to look at him.

“Something like that,” he said with a sigh. “It was part of the training, you know?”

She nodded, taking a few bites of her food. “My parents weren’t really the outdoorsy type. The closest I ever got to camping was a polo match.”

“Really?” Sam seemed surprised, but she wasn’t sure whether it was the statement itself or the fact that she was talking about herself. “I wouldn’t have pictured you as the polo type.”

“I wasn’t,” she sighed. “My father had the three of us go for appearances sake from when I was a small girl. I could tell you the rules, but that doesn’t mean I enjoy it.”

“I take it you weren’t a sports person, then.”

“I liked sports. It just depended on the type.”

“And those would be?”

She shrugged, trying to think back to what seemed so long again. “Fencing, archery-things that weren’t entirely practical, but still enjoyable.”

“And that all involved weapons.”

She glanced back at him over her shoulder, and she placed the remains of her sandwich back in the basket. “Do you have a problem with that?”

He smirked back at her, one hand coming up to cup the side of her face. “Only when you’re pointing them at me.” She grinned a bit at that, leaning in to kiss him gently. She let Sam keep her close for a moment, before he pulled away to catch his breath. “You don’t do that a lot.”

She frowned. “Kiss you?”

“No,” he chuckled. “Talk about you. Your parents.”

She wasn’t sure how to respond to that at first. She knew she played her cards close to the vest, but she had her reasons. Sometimes, though, it felt good to give a little when she was receiving information about someone in return. She knew how Sam’s mind worked, however. He’d never push, but he knew why she had sold her soul, and there was always going to be a part of him that would want to know why she had wanted them dead. She wasn’t sure if there was anything Sam could share that would make her want to share that.

“Does that really matter?” She looked up at him and tilting her head into his hand a bit. “It’s the past.” She then shifted closer, leaning in to kiss him again. “Besides. There are much more interesting things to do than talk about me.”

He smirked a bit into the kiss, his hand sliding to the back of her neck to pull her in closer. Eventually the kiss progressed, and Bela leaned back onto the blanket, feeling Sam brace himself above her. He continued the kiss for a moment, before pulling back with a smirk.

“This is why I brought the tent.”

749 words

challenge}: cl - 100 summer drabbles, verse: sam}: pushed to edges, with}: sam winchester, comm}: charloft

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