[tm] Write about something you know by heart.

Jun 04, 2010 22:41

[Set in Gorgeous. Michael is feel_theburn, Sam is freelncesuphero. Both are referenced with permission and love. Follows THIS.]

Bela didn’t take well to things being taken from her. Especially when those things were people.

She didn’t really have a lot, family wise. Her parents were dead, she had no siblings, no friends. The past ten years of her life she had spent devoting herself to trying to survive and as a result of that, she never really managed to get close to anyone. She had relationships, sure-associates, both business and otherwise-but nothing close. Nothing that she really wanted to hold onto and never let go.

At least, not until Michael.

She fell for Michael in a way she hadn’t anticipated. There weren’t a lot of people in her life that would go to bat for her without feeling sorry for her, and one thing Bela never wanted was pity. She was strong, she was capable, and she could handle herself. She just wanted someone to be there to come home to when the job was done and just want her. Not to take care of her, or to save her, but just to want her.

That person wasn’t Michael. In fact, that person wasn’t anything remotely close to Michael. Michael was the kind of person who would do anything to protect the people he cared about, even force them to believe that he didn’t care, and that was the kind of pity that she hated more than anything. Bela was capable of much more than she would ever be given credit for, even Michael didn’t know anything about it. She wanted to scream at him sometimes that she was more than just someone he needed to protect, but nevertheless she didn’t run from him. She didn’t leave. She stayed, for reasons she couldn’t completely explain. Somewhere along the way, Michael had become hers and people didn’t steal from her. Not without paying the cost.

Stealing Michael was a bit more complicated. He wasn’t exactly what you would call travel size, but the initial information gathering stage was still the same, a process that Bela hadn’t done much of in the loft, but there was just as good a place as any. She lit the candles, the incense, placed her board on the kitchen counter, and tried her best to push all the worry and panic out of her mind. Communing with spirits was best done with a clear head and she couldn’t screw this up. Not with something this important on the line.

Once her mind was clear, after that it was like riding a bike. It put her in just the right frame of mind to be receptive to the answers, and considering they were dealing with the manipulative people of the world rather than the manipulative beings of the supernatural, it didn’t take her all that long. Within five minutes she had an address and was reaching for the phone to call Sam.

Knowing where Michael was wasn’t the problem now. Now it was just a matter of getting him out.

497 words

entry}: rp, verse: michael}: gorgeous, comm}: theatrical muse, rp}: freelncesuphero

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