[JMM] Technology

Oct 01, 2008 17:56

[Set in wayward_au and follows THIS.]

It had only taken a few hours to get from Queens to Williamstown-it would have been faster if she had just dissipated, but she had too many things to do to leave it at that. Some of her contacts were unaware of her demon status, and just showing up on them like that wasn’t going to keep them helping her. Rawlins happened to be informed of the fact that she was a demon, but she wasn’t really in the mood to rub that in his face at the moment.

She pulled the car to a stop outside of the rundown shack of a home, and she could hear music pulsing from the inside from where she was parked. Rolling her eyes slightly and knowing that there wasn’t much she could do about it, she pushed herself to her feet from the car and purposefully strode her way into the room.

Or tried to.

She found herself stopped completely at the man’s front door, unable to turn the knob or even push the door into giving. Confusion crossed her features for a moment, before she rolled her eyes, realizing what the problem was. Ah, for when she was human and could just step over salt lines without even blinking. Instead she just slammed on the door, hoping she would be heard over the volume of the music. After a minute she tilted her head to the side, seeing the salt line along the edge of the window and peered inside, looking for any sign of her source.

Rawlins had his back to the window, his body moving slightly in time to the music as he did. Bela sighed heavily before moving a hand up and knocking loudly against the glass. When he finally turned around at the strange sound, she gave him a look, and he cringed slightly, before scrambling over to open the door.

“Sorry my demonic senorita,” he sighed as he broke the salt line. “Wasn’t expecting you for another hour or so.”

“There wasn’t any traffic,” she sighed, watching as he closed the line behind her and went back to his desk. “Do you have what I asked for?”

At that, he gave her a look, scoffing. “Do you remember who you’re talking to? I’m Howie fucking Rawlins, sweetheart. I always come through for you.” Bela gave him a look, and his grin faded, before he went over to lean on the counter. “Down to business. Right. Well-I have the latest assortment of anti-demon weaponry for your perusal. Nothing special yet, and nothing that kills-” She knew what he was hinting at on that one. Rawlins had wanted to learn the ins and outs of the Colt for some time now, and Bela hadn’t been able to deliver. Not that she had ever promised she could, but she had implied, and that had what had kept her in his good graces. He was starting to get a little impatient.

She really could care less.

“But it’ll get the job done,” Bela said with, looking up at him with a frown, and he nodded.

“We got your holy water grenades, rock salt rounds, charms, talismans, amulets-having never encountered the rabid she-beast that is Lilith, I can’t make anything specific to the demon herself, and since I never plan on making that particular acquaintance, you’re never going to get any. However-these’ll definitely hold her off and/or disable her for a little while-or my name isn’t Howard fucking Rawlins.”

Bela arched an eyebrow at that. “I’ll take them all-and multiples. We have a lot of people to protect.”

“How much you got?”

“Thirty grand.”

“Bela, my dear, you are far better to me than I deserve,” he grinned. “And you haven’t even seen the crown jewel of this fancy little collection.”

Now, Bela was intrigued. She followed him down to the tail end of the table, watching as he picked up something wrapped in a red handkerchief. When he pulled the material away, he revealed an intricate looking gun, and placing it in her hand.

“Shazam!” he said with a grin, and she was distracted from the gun long enough to arch an eyebrow.


“It’s my new catchphrase.” She continued to give him a look. “What? I’m not good enough to have a catchphrase? All Emeril does is make food and he has his own fucking catchphrase.”

“Emeril was also on TV, sweetie,” Bela said with patronizing smirk, and Rawlins just gave her a look.

“Fuck you.”

She just grinned, before turning her attention back to the gun. “What is this?” she asked, feeling the weight of the weapon in her hand.

“It’s a glock, specifically modified to carry these holy water rounds I’ve been toying with. I had a hard time getting the right thickness in the glass so that they won’t break upon being fired, but they will on impact, and I think I’ve finally got it right.” He looked up at her with a grin, before resting his hands on the table and leaning his weight into it. “And I’m going to let the almighty Sam Winchester test it. Free of charge.”

“Lilith doesn’t care about holy water,” Bela pointed out, starting to rewrap the gun in the handkerchief he handed her and place it into her bag. “I’ve seen her walk right through a spray as though it’s nothing.”

“Maybe she does, but I doubt she’s ever had it right under her skin before, so it’ll burn like Hell in the summertime,” he said with a grin. “And, if you happen to finally manage to let me take a look at that Colt-it’s highly probable I could modify this to kill.”

“So this could be another Colt.”


She pondered that for a moment, before dropping the brick of money in front of him and starting to gather her purchases. “I’ll talk to Sam, see what he thinks. I don’t know how he can argue against having another weapon around.”

“Really? I was always hoping to meet the man with the plan, but you know me-I don’t get outside the salt lines much.” For damn good reason. If there was one person demons would want dead, it’s Rawlins. He armed more hunters in his rather short lifespan than Bela even knew the names of.

“I said I’ll see what I could do,” Bela sighed. “I don’t make any promises.”

“I will take your half-promises,” he grinned. “I’m rather easy to please like that.”

She finished bagging the rest of her loot before moving towards the door and waiting for him to break the salt line. “I’ll be in touch once I talk to Sam, see what he says.” She stepped over the line and waited for him to close it, giving him a soft look. “And be careful, Rawlins. I have a feeling that things are going to get very bad, very quickly.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said with a nod, giving her a mock salute. She knew that he knew she was only saying that out of the need to be polite, but it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing either. She didn’t want him dead. That was good enough for him.


comm}: just muse me, with}: howard rawlins, verse}: wayward au

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