[QT!] Andre Agassi quote

Sep 30, 2008 01:23

[notantichrist used with permission of his mun who made a request for going-to-shoot-someone!Bela and Sam. fullonobiwan also used with permission. Demon!verse Bela, so I figured it was appropriate to go along with Antichrist!Sam, and sort of follows THIS.]

“What makes something special is not just what you have to gain, but what you feel there is to lose.”

“I’m going to kill you, you slimy bitch.”

Bela laughed, before turning to face him, giving him a snakelike smile as she moved closer to Dean. Sam was still out, tethered to a chair across the room. She knew that those ropes weren’t going to hold him for long once he came to, so she needed to make sure things went quickly and easily. Which meant keeping Dean in line in his Devil’s Trap, and making quick work of the entire situation.

“You’ve threatened me with that before, Dean, and you have yet to follow through. Why should I believe you now?”

She could feel the way he was seething from where he was sitting. Dean’s anger became so much more amplified in his demon form, and she was relishing the fact that she had this much power over him. This moment in and of itself was what she had been waiting for more than anything else.

“What the hell do you want anyway?” Dean said. “I thought you weren’t with Lilith.”

“Oh, no-trust me. Lilith is the last demon I would associate myself with,” she said slowly, picking up the gun she had left on the table. “However, the person I do work for isn’t all that fond of Sam either. So he hired me to get a little information then-take care of that particular problem.”

“You lay one hand on my brother and I swear to God I’ll kill you.”

“Shouldn’t swear to God, Dean-he’s not exactly your best friend as of late.” She spun the barrel of the gun for a minute, making sure it was loaded, before hearing the click as it slid back into place. “And don’t worry-I’m not going to kill Sam. Yet.”

There was a sharp hiss of breath as Dean ran at the barrier that the Devil’s Trap created, screaming more death threats at her as she made her way over to Sam, picking up a bucket of water and throwing it in his face. “Rise and shine, Sam. We need to have a little chat.”

Sam didn’t look like the Sam she remembered. There wasn’t anything of the sweet, quiet, friendly Sam she used to remember from all those years ago. Instead, there was something much more feral in his eyes, the intense stare of a predator. He was still Sam in the angles of his face and the color of his eyes, but the person that was behind those eyes wasn’t the same. Not at all. Which is why she didn’t feel all that terrible when she aimed the barrel of the gun at his forehead.

She watched as his teeth bared and he struggled against the ropes. She heard some of them snap, but not all of them, buying her some time to get the information she needed to know.

“I’m going to so enjoy sending your ass back to Hell,” Sam growled, staring right down the barrel of her gun to where she was standing behind it. “Get that gun away from me.”

“We need to settle a little business first, Sam,” she said with a sigh, her arm not wavering under his stare. “You boys came across something that my boss is extremely interested in. I need to know where it is.”

Sam’s eyes narrowed and he gave her a bitter smile before tilting his head to the side slightly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I don’t have times for games, Sam,” she said, her voice dropping as she pulled back the safety on the gun. “Tell me where the seal is.”

“Don’t tell her, Sammy,” Dean shouted from behind her. “The damn bitch can find it all on her own.”

“I think Dean has a pretty good idea,” Sam said, a slow smirk starting to draw across his face. She could tell that there was concentration going there, see the worry lines that were starting to form on his face. Something wasn’t working, and he didn’t know why. That only made Bela smirk more, before leaning in closer and tapping at the charm she’d placed around his neck earlier.

“That blocks your abilities. Little thing I picked up from a medicine man in South Africa. So you can’t send me back to Hell with your psychic demon powers. Not so long as that thing is around your neck. Now-” she turned slightly, moving her gun so that the gun leveled towards Dean. “-should I silence the peanut gallery so that we can talk?”

“You out of your mind, Bela?” Dean said with a laugh. “You can’t kill me with that.”

“Oh, no?” she smirked.

“It’s not exactly the Colt,” Sam snorted. “What are you going to do with that?”

Bela almost laughed. Really, she did. But she figured she would spare their poor egos whatever she could. “You really think that Ruby was the only one smart enough to build a gun that killed things that were a bit more than human?”

Sam’s eyes met Dean’s over her shoulder, and then drifted back to Bela before studying her face slightly. “You’re bluffing.” There was the slightest but of uncertainty in his voice, but it wasn’t the kind of uncertainty that Bela could take advantage of. It was still ninety-nine percent confident that Bela was bluffing, and that was where she could use it to her advantage.

“Think so?” Bela said, arching an eyebrow. “Maybe I should test it then?”

“What the-?” Dean’s voice was cut off by the sound of the gun firing, and there was a groan of pain from the other man clutching at his shoulder tightly. Smoke rose from the wound and she could hear the sounds of more of the ropes snapping, and she looked back at Sam, his eyes burning with anger as he glared at her.

“What the fuck did you do to him you bitch?” Sam growled, straining against the remaining restraints.

“That wasn’t a kill shot,” she said with a grin. “But the bullets are packed with holy water. Getting shot by this gun burns quite a bit. Now, you can tell me what I need to know-or I can start aiming for things that are a little more vital.”

“I’m gonna kill you, you bitch,” Sam growled. “You kill him, and I will rip your soul from your body and tear you to shreds.”

“Tell me what I need to know, Sam, and Dean doesn’t have to get shot at all.”

“Don’t tell her a damn thing, Sammy,” Dean growled. “You know her, you can’t trust a damn word that comes out of her mouth.”

“Bullet to the head, Dean-really want to feel how much that burns?” Bela said, turning back to him with a smirk. “Or you can just tell me what I need to know-and I let you both go. End of story.”

“Go to hell, Bela,” Dean growled. “I’d rather be dead than tell you anything.”

Bela looked at him for a moment, before shrugging slightly. “As you wish.” Bela cocked the safety on the gun, getting ready to fire at Dean’s head, and there was suddenly a roar behind her as the last of the ropes holding Sam down snapped.

“DEAN, NO!” Bela’s finger on the trigger slipped as she was hit by a wall of power, knocking her aim, and sending the bullet into the ceiling. Bela went flying into the wall, pinned down by the force of Sam’s anger, watching him carefully as he stalked closer to her. He paused only for a moment to break the edge of the trap and set his brother free, before heading back to Bela who was struggling against the force, trying to get herself free before Sam could do any more damage to her plan. “Don’t bother,” he said with a growl as he headed back over to her. “You’re going back to Hell where you belong.”

She chuckled slightly, looking him in the eye with a bitter smile. “This is far from over, Sam.”

“Oh, I don’t doubt it,” Sam said with a feral grin, as she felt herself start to be pulled from her meat suit. “Trust me, Bela-the next time I see you, you’re dead.”

“Sam, Sam, Sam-I do look forward to it.” And that was back to Hell she went.

1394 words

with}: sam winchester, with}: dean winchester

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