Jun 22, 2011 23:08
[she tries to write this as anonymously as possible, but the detail-oriented could probably figure it out]
I have a few questions about guardian angels, and their Callings, if there's someone who doesn't mind answering.
entry}: journal,
verse}: beyond the rift
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I'm a wanderer. My name is Martha Jones, and I have had a guardian for over a year now. Before that, I learned quite a bit about all the callings including guardians from the First Angel that initially put the wanderer-saving efforts into place.
[there's a pause, with a dot of ink forming on the page as she thinks]
Is there any rhyme or reason as to who's chosen for who?
I don't know.
Honestly. Sometimes I think there is, but I've heard of cases where there couldn't be any rhyme or reason to it. Cases where it was practically a child attached to someone much, much older and more experienced. Cases where a guardian had to help someone who exploited the link. I don't know if there's rhyme or reason to that.
But I have seen more cases where it seems like the guardian and the ward fit. In a way that I can't put to words. They're who that ward needed at that time or even who the guardian needed. Sometimes both.
[understatement of the DECADE]
You can try fighting it every step of the way but you'll just end up exhausted and it will still be there. It's a theme in this city. Lack of choice.
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