Oct 09, 2008 16:27
I hate this sentence but it's totally true. I need and I want to close this LJ. What i mean by closing is just stop posting news, I already did it, but I wanted to let you know before...I won't delete my LJ because I love it so. So why am I closing Enjoy Freedom ? First of all I don't have time to update this LJ (you may notice that) and I don't want to do new thing with LJ anymore, hummm..not just this LJ but with Sites (expect Facebook) that's why I sent a letter to my provider and they will cancel my Internet at home...because I don't want it anymore. This LJ provides me so many things that you guys cannot imagine it's a real good experience and everyone has to do it just once in their lives. Now I do what I always wanted to do, travel, work, experience new things that I've never expected that I can do...and of course, know when I have to say stop....that's what i'm doing right now, by stopping this LJ. I know that some guys are reading this (not everyone, I noticed that there's more people who is coming to my LJ just when I post pictures) you guys I'm going to miss ya and your emails where so great it touched me !
I want to say good luck in your life and please Enjoy your Freedom...
xo xo