Jan 18, 2012 13:19
Last week over coffee my (old) lab were talking about identical twins. The usual stuff was cropping up like how can identical twins brought up in the same home have different personalities (we figure it's because they aren't treat exactly the same - one might be a favourite or initially submissive to the other one) and the question of spare parts vs wouldn't they have the same chance of certain diseases.
We then got onto sillier things like accidentally sleeping with the wrong twin etc and then I had a curious thought. If identical twins married other identical twins and had kids would those children be siblings? Genetically they'd be the equivalent of siblings - depending on recombination some "cousins" could be more alike than their siblings which would be rather odd and a pitfall for communities that like to marry their cousins. Chances are such an example really exists. I guess legally they are still cousins.
This then made French C, say that it would be handy in that scenario as she could just let her twin have a baby for her so she wouldn't have to take time off work.