The End of a Blog Hiatus

Nov 09, 2008 04:02

It happens from time to time, that we gain access to something we don't normally have, whether it's something that we want, or something we would have preferred never having been apart of. I'm not even talking about theories of art or where people get the idea for the creation of art, instead I speak of experiences more visceral, more concrete. For example, the month that I joined a Christian youth group was also the same month that I experienced the look and smell of weed. My resulted experience clearly deranged from my intended one.

I say this because I've recently been kicked from an Eden of sorts. A paradise would be an exaggeration, but the fall, relatable. I was in a relationship (not to be confused with a relationship, implying a further degree of intimacy) that I enjoyed and consequently destroyed, which is probably why I don't have nice things. I really am a nice guy though. At least most of the time.

Anyway, my hiatus from blogging has come from the fact that my life used to be exciting, I used to meet people, I used to be involved with people and I certainly didn't used to study or game as much as I have. As of late. I've actually been playing a number of games, to the point that I've taken notes of games to make sure that I remember certain things, but I'll honestly probably never use them. So it's no surprise for those that know me, that I'd change something to ruin my life's consistency. If there is anything I've learned, it's hard to write when you're not doing anything. It's also hard to write about games when people do it before you, and when people do it with games more relevant. Also when  people's comics do it better then anyone.

So my life has been re-wired.
The last two weekends prior to this one I've spent drinking heavily with strangers. Talking to girls out of my own persona. People do this all the time. This is fairly regular for people to do. Italicized, because I'm clearly not said people. Not that there is anything wrong with people, but c'mon, I rarely know what people talk about. At the parties I was confused ½ the time as to what people were saying, hitting on girls wasn't an act of bravery, but an action taken to avoid in-action. I didn't focus or succeed on achieving numbers, but it's more the practice that I'm after.For anyone that knows Trevyn, they must assume that he did succeed. And they'd be right.

I've also re-realized what I've already known, which is that I've gotta learn to drink beer, because although it's gross, thats what people drink.

So my weekends have been filled with parties, and Smash, while my weekdays from now on are to be filled sitting at an office. The work isn't as exciting as it is to say that I work in an office. That's exciting. I work with people that accomplish things. Vicariously I feel as though I do. Verily I know my job would be accomplished by programs if such programs could exist.

I work for the department of Engineering at ASU. The department of online classes. Monday-Friday I watch our email account and make sure that no students are having problems with submitting or receiving their graded and ungraded homework/exams. It's also part of my job to make sure that I call students that haven't submitted exams, reminding them that perhaps they may want to, you know, not fail. I won't go into the specifics, but know that I spend the entirety of my 8 hour shift in front of a computer or scanner. Hardly exhilarating, but for close to 10 an hour, I can't complain. The people around the office seem nice and I get my 1 hour lunch respite when I please.

I've also started working at my old job as a waiter again on Saturday nights, which is worthwhile most of the time, but what it means is that between school and work the only day in which I have neither is Sunday.  My 3 days to focus on homework have been obliterated. Leaving 1 day in my week for homework.

I have yet to adapt.

So...that's whats going on with me. Here are few more random links of stuff that people might care about:

-Bjork explaining that you “shouldn't let poets lie to you,” and that Danish books are truth.

-Shin Megami Tensei Online MMO, seriously if anyone is playing this, or has time to play this, tell me how it is.

-DS GTA game to have the option of buying/selling drugs. Reminds me of a certain TI Calculator game I'm pretty sure everyone I knew was obsessed with.

For those people curious, I'm currently playing:

-Gears of War 2

-Dragon Quest 4

-Rock Band 2

-Guitar Hero: World Tour

-Assassin's Creed

-Dragon Quest Swords

-Mega Man 9 (As Protoman)
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