I haven't updated or done anything for a few weeks now. I finally got all my grades. 3 A's and a B minus. Fuck off ASU for tracking fucking minuses. I've finished most of my Christmas shopping and just bought my roommate a gift a few hours ago. I'm pretty sure it should arrive before he comes back from Idaho. Other then that life is alright. I've worked everyday since the Sunday before Christmas, and yes, that includes working 6 hours on fucking Christmas Day. Tears. Thankfully though in these past 4 days I've made around 420 dollars in Tips so I'm getting me a 360 Elite, maybe a regular one, not sure yet. I want an Elite hella bad though.
For those that got to see me in Tucson, it was fun. To Aurora: Thanks for taking me to get my charger it's always good seeing you! And To Spring: Sorry we didn't get to hang out, one of these days! LOL : )
I got to hang out with Omar and Sean recently which was nice, but sadly cut short. Thanks to me working and Omar bitching it up.
As Ben would say, "Omar is too good!" and as Omar would say, "Your mom is too good."
I dunno, I've been practicing just a little bit in smash, trying to learn some technical stuff I could never do before. Like double lasering with Fox in a short hop. It was insanely difficult at first, but I can manage to do it from time to time. It's less of a "press jump and then B twice motion" and more of a "slice your thumb from X then double tap B really fucking fast" motion. My biggest complaint is when I move my thumb from X to B I sometimes don't press X hard enough for the jump to register or I over compensate and do a full hop. Tears!
I guess since school has been out I've just been lying around playing games, working more then I have all semester and spending a lot of time hanging out with people. Feels good to be social again, thats for sure.
Jas is coming up tomorrow/later today as well as my brother and Maria. Should be fun, but I have to work for a few hours before Jas gets here :(
So far for my Christmas/Birthday I've gotten:
-1600 Microsoft Points for the 360 I'll be getting in less then 14 hours
-Dark Tower Comic Book Collection
(Which my brother better not forget, <3! I was retarded and left it in Tucson. BTW Matt is powerful because he gave it to me the day after I added it to my Amazon wish list. It was powerfully preemptive proving his ability to read my mind, which is kinda scary.)
-$40 Dollar Best Buy Gift Card
-$20 Game Stop Gift Card
-$100 or close to it, of random stuff that I did while I was down in Tucson that Jas payed for all of. Much love!
-A Smash Reunion with Tim, Coty, Jenn and myself!(Thanks JENN! I think we all had a blast!)
I've gotten myself already, or will today:
-360 (Elite?)
-Penny Arcade Volume 1
-Puzzle Quest (Wii)
-The Orange Box
All in all, not bad at all! Plus My brother and Maria will probably bring me something when they come up. Not to mention that about a month ago Matt got me Zack and Wiki, plus 20 some odd bucks to help pay for my current favorite T-shirt. <3s to Everyone!
By the way, my weight goal before I moved to phoenix was 180 and I was over 200 close to 205, now I'm at 185 and my new goal is 175. Woo!
It feels great to be achieving what I set out to achieve about a year ago thanks to a pros and cons list that Christina made me write. Seriously, if you don't know what you want out of life, try to make one with the pros and cons of what you're currently doing from day to day. Not sure If I'm as far as long as I would have liked, but the effort and the results have been substantial.
I'll save my new years resolutions for a future post.
(Watch all of it or skim through parts once you know where it's headed. I think the VR room and football field is pretty amazing.)
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