Fic: Legacies (1/1)

Jun 03, 2009 18:59

Title: Legacies

Characters: SpockPrime, Spock, Nyota Uhura, OC

Rating: G

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my mind and my computer.

A/N: Inspired by brackish's line drawing of Spock and child. Unbeta'd and my first ever Star Trek fic; comments and concrit welcome.

Ten years have passed and age and work have wearied him; he misses his own reality, but is somehow grateful to have this opportunity to honor the heritage he vowed to uphold so many (or so few? His mind likes to play with the implications of shifts in time) years ago.

Still, he's earned some time away; these human pleasures become increasingly important to him as age wearies. He steals away in the night, his small ship swiftly carrying him to his chosen destination.

The waters of the Atlantic are placid and calm as is the slender figure standing at the shore; the body seems both in and out of place in this natural location, his hair and demeanor as smooth as the ocean in this moment but capable of the most volatile of emotions in another. Spock quietly watches himself quietly watching the ocean.

The beat of small feet kicking up sand tugs his gaze away from the figure, who also looks toward the source of the quiet commotion. A small boy, certainly no more than five, smiles as he charges into the man's legs, wrapping small arms tightly around the now laughing but still stalwart figure. Spock watches himself lift the boy and swing him about before plopping him back on the ground. His heart achingly smiles at this now-future, and he isn't surprised to feel the small hand on his shoulder, to smell the perfume that so long ago enticed--but did not deter--him.

"Nyota," he whispered, his voice husky with years of might have been, "they're beautiful." He feels the small hand move away from his shoulder, then take his hand as she settles onto the sand next to him. They survey the two figures now looking out over the ocean and toward the setting sun.

He squeezes her hand and trusts that although she isn't that Nyota and he isn't that Spock, she knows and feels the full measure of his gratitude and love. She smiles and squeezes back, thinking much the same.

character: nyota uhura, fandom: star trek (movieverse), character: spockprime, character: spock

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