Nov 05, 2004 20:02
Whether or not you guys actually believed I'd get this tongue of mine pierced or not, I did. It doesn't feel so wierd now, I've had it all day. I don't know if you people know how it is done, but lemme explain it to ya. First you sit in a chair in the back (which is by far the worst part other than opening the door to the place) and the guy get's all of the materials. Then, he get's some foreceps (which are basically tweezers with a round tip loop thing at the end) and he asks you to stick out your tongue. Next, he grabs your tongue with these foreceps and clamps your tongue, not hard, but enough to grab on. He has the loop positioined right where the needle is going to go through and then you have the hold those pliers there yourself while he get's the needle. After that he basically just shoved the needle through, and surprisingly, just like I heard, it didn't hurt. If you were to bite down on your tongue on purpose very firmly that's what it felt like, but not to the point of pain. All it was really was a lot of pressure, and you can feel the needle through your tongue. Then he just slid in the barbell and screwed the ball in the other side and it was done...the whole thing only took a minute or two.
It all started at school, the two bad influences (and I'm not talking about Heather lol, this was Pleschette and Lauryn) robbed me from school and made me (convinced me) to skip my only class and do it early. I of course eventually caved in. We wen't to McDonalds first and ate till we were full because we knew that it was the last time we would have solid food for a while. We drove around Vacaville for a while because we couldn't find Main st. and we asked some retard who in his stupidity gave us directions though I'm sure now he had no clue about the world. We asked some guy with a cammel-toe and he gave us loyal directions and my heart stopped when we parked (this was after the bank where I took out my cha-ching). Pleschette started yelling, haha, it was a funny occurence, but I was freaked too. Anyway, we were walking towards the place naturally psyching each other up for this and we walked in and looked at some tattoo pics till the guy who was in the back showed up. He said "and what can I do to you?". We eventually signed some release form and headed in the back. Pleschette was the first one to go and he had to tell her to stop laughing (she was giddy apparently) an I knew that even the sight of me would make her laugh so I immediately got behind her field of vision and she was so still, eyes unmoving. She had the same expression all through the procedure and though I could see that it didn't hurt her, I wanted to skip, but I didn't and soon I was done and we were out the door, $120 poorer. I payed for Pleschette cuz she's waiting for her bank card to come in the mail after which I will be repaid the $60. Lauryn didn't have it done yet because of her work, but she's going to during Thanksgiving.
After this we went to the mall and walked around looking at different barbells and stuff that we might get once we're allowed to take these long ass things out. The talking is funny, I can pretty much talk normally, but I can't pronounce any word that has an "L" in it, or anything with a "TH", like the, or therapy lol. Tonight around 5:00 it did start getting sore and stuff so I got my ice-cream from my last day of work yesterday and it did the trick. It had walnuts and crunchy heath bar so I had to chew those carefully, but I rubbed the ice-cream into the wound and it was heaven.....I ate it HELLA slowly, half of it in 2 hours and I put the rest back in the fridge, and it still doesn't hurt. I rinsed it with a concoction or half listerine and half water (or should I say gargled) and then started writing this thing.
During this, Pleschette called me and said that she was hurting, but I didn't feel know why? She said that she went out to dinner with her parents (it was her dad's birthday) and she told me she was eating meat and stuff and she bit the piercing, much like I did earlier when I was trying to bit some ice. I was told that tomorrow it would be horrible, the worst day in the whole healing process and I'm prepared. Pleschette is hurting now and hopefully it's not too awful for her tomorrow, but all I know is she's not taking out anything from her mouth.....whoopings would have to be dealt!!! Anyway, I'm glad you people sat through this whole ramble, I love you guys, and I look forward to hearing from you!